Saturday, July 08, 2006

summer schedule and vbs volunteer.

hey guys, thanks for your co-operation during the planning session and your willingness to help me start yf worship teams again. next week james, yue and manson have volunteered to help lead us in worship.

some of you "forgot" to take home those VBS volunteer forms so (*drum roll*) i put it up online for you so you can have it anywhere you go! download the vbs and day care volunteer form. (you will need adobe acrobat reader) please don't dismiss this opportunity to serve, prayerfully consider serving the Church with your gifts.

with your help i was able to finish the yf summer schedule (of course if something needs to be changed it will) but here it is: summer schedule 06. yes, there are softball and golf pictures and we arn't doing those, but they are cute graphics so they stay... ha.

also keep in touch with each other with the shoutbox below and through the yf contact list. hopefully those of you who are watching pirates of the carribean 2 today had a good time! let me know what else you plan to do during the week if you want the YF to be involved. also send me prayer requests for all of you!
