YF room this Friday (Cheung's place, Discipleship Week)
it's been an awesome packed weekend! first, lots of people were really encouraged by the 3 and a half hour sharing on friday night!! the adults have been enthusiastic and excited about the trip and hopefully some of you are also praying about going next year as well. then saturday morning, 10 more of you helped with the room renovations, soccer in the afternoon and caleb and neva's testimonies at sunday outdoor worship! i know lots of you are hanging out with each other during the summer as well! keep it up!the goal is to have the room done and painted by discipleship week (which is august 18th-22nd! also please commit to everyday of discipleship week, we will be focusing on how God has called you to transform your life and make a difference at school and in the world. i'm really liking planning it out and working on it! it'll be a great time together of learning and service! next week (august 9th) we will have YF at the cheung's place with a special guest (Brent from Ouje), it will be a day retreat where we will be able to eat, play (wii, music, games), talk with one another! please continue to make the most out of your summer days, if you are going away for the long weekend, have a blessed time with family!
see you this friday!
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