Tuesday, October 06, 2009

YF 20th CCCO Anniversary this Fri and Sat (OHN Forms)

Are you loving the increasingly cold weather as much as I am?! Thankfully Brad knows more than I do about fixing the heater because, y-ikes. Whatever the case, thanks for participating in a very serious study of Romans 1:18-3 on Friday. It's a difficult passage to deal with and letting God's Word speak for itself - is a convicting passage. Our prayer for you is that as we continue through Romans, His grace will become increasingly evident to you in light of our shortcomings (which the previous chapters have set the stage for). What we've read so far is just acknowledging our NEED for grace.

This Friday (Oct 9, 7:30pm) is the beginning of our 20th Anniversary weekend at the church. We will be gathering in the upstairs sanctuary (as an English congregation (YF, h2o, adults) to honor God's faithfulness in our first 20 years as a church. There will be games, trivia, music and a special message from our first Pastor William Wan. We'll be together this whole weekend as there are events each day. On Saturday (Oct 10), YF will be serving the dinner that evening and need to show up by 4:30pm to receive instruction from auntie Kitty. Pastor Francis just dropped in and let me know that there will be over 370 people eating dinner with us Saturday evening, yikes... hopefully our fire code is up to it, someone just rang the doorbell to buy tickets for her family. So please decorate your aprons and dress appropriately (no jeans for either gender).

For One Homeless Night (Oct 23/24), please confirm with me as soon as possible, I've confirmed a handful of adults for the event and h2o seems very willing to accompany us for the evening. I've attached a sponsorship form that I've received from Ottawa Innercity Ministries today and their waiver. If your parents have any questions, I'm totally willing to answer them. I just sent them a lengthy purpose and safety e-mail so hopefully that helps answer some questions. One common question is regarding the sleeping situation - we are sleeping safely inside the Salvation Army Church.

This Sunday is our special 20th anniversary service, so there will be no Sunday school this week, but the rest of our Sunday school term should be very thought-provoking and interesting as we discuss the questions that you guys have laid out. You came up with some really good questions, some of your questions are quite creative. We'll discuss those throughout the term, join us for Sunday school 9:30am.

Let us know your prayer requests or if you want to meet up,
God bless you all,
See you on Friday!