YF Bigger or Better this Friday this Friday (10th) 7pm at church
Happy back to school day YF!I'm sure some of you are *actually* happy to go back to school and of course there are many of you that also felt the summer went by wayyyy too quickly (myself included). Thanks for the awesome study and discussion last week in Habakkuk, it was in record time too, we even had time to socialize afterwards :) haha. The Fall is already here, it's a strange transition because YF runs every week throughout the summer :) Anyways Fall does mark the beginning of school and hopefully these next couple of weeks will let you relax a little at YF and prepare for the coming Youth Alpha course. This week (10th) and next week (17th) we will be having kick-off events to lead into our first youth Alpha course on the 24th.
This Friday (Sept 10th) we plan to play "BIGGER or better!" This will be our second time playing it and it was requested about 9 months ago (the last time we played it). Be at Church (or more accurately - 118) at 7:00pm (so 30 minutes earlier than usual)
Bigger or Better RULES
EACH TEAM will be designated an area (with accompanying adults) and given a corresponding paper clip color to visit homes and trade a paperclip up to the biggest or best item to win! Bring camera's because it'll be fun to see what each group ends up with. some basic rules so we don't have to explain each one on friday:
1. Time limit: each group has to be back at the youth room by 8:50-9:00pm at the latest
2. Make at least 5 trades ie) paperclip for a ruler, ruler for a picture frame, picture frame for a stuffed animal, stuffed animal for a chair, chair for a bigger chair, big chair for a sofa, sofa for a... "uh oh, how are we going to get this sofa back?"
3. No relatives houses
4. Have to bring the item back to church (if it is something that cannot be thrown out easily, then you must figure out if one person in your group can take it home)
5. Don't pressure homes to give you anything, be kind to every house!
maybe you can get more cushions for the youth room! :)
Bring your friends (more hands the better!) and prepare for the colder weather in the evening! If you haven't filled out the year waiver form (in your e-mail), please bring that back too (one-time thing for the year)
Upcoming: Bigger or Better (10th), Food Fight (17th), Alpha Discussion (Thirsty) (24th)
Have an awesome week!
see you on Friday!
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