YF Waterfight Extravaganza this Friday (15th) at the Ma's at 4:30pm-9pm
Last Friday, we read, studied and discussed John 14:15-31. Over the last couple of years, it's been amazing to see you living with a greater awareness (and hopefully dependence) on the Spirit. We have a wonderful Counselor, Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Guide and Friend. The Spirit teaches us and guides us into a deeper relationship with God as well as reminds us all that He has taught. Where has God been working around you? How can you contribute to what He is already doing? Pray about an opportunity that's been on your heart and mind
Time: 4:30pm - 9pm
Address: Directions in your e-mail
Stuff to bring: Friends, Water guns, bathing suits, colored shirts to wear over bathing suits, balloons (we'll have some but the more baloons, the more chaos), towels, clean change of clothes, Dinner, or stuff to cook etc. board games to play afterwards etc.
If I'm missing anything, maybe Hillary can fill in any special requests from the host :)
Also, since your schedules are more flex in the summer, it's been nice to have people dropping by for a quick talk. I just had a visit this afternoon too! If you'd like to drop by for a chat, just drop me a quick e-mail and we'll set up a time to catch up and pray.
Ongoing / Looking forward:
Summer Baptism! If you have been praying about baptism, please let me know as soon as possible! (as in yesterday...) Baptism is an act of obedience which symbolizes being baptized into His death and buried in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead, we too may live a new life. (Romans 6:3-5).
Remember to book your calendars for August 15th - 19th Discipleship Week 9:30am - 12 noon each day. We will have a comprehensive look through Scripture as we seek God's wisdom on what it means to be a godly man and a godly woman. "Manhood and Womanhood as defined in the Bible" This week will not only help you grow as a godly man or woman but also allow you to articulate what it is to look for in a potential spouse as well. As we do each year, we will have a few community service opportunities lined up (we have a couple at the Ottawa Mission already).
Also book September 16-18th as our YF Fall Retreat!!! This is a great kickoff retreat to build relationships within the group as a new generation of YF enters. I'm happy to say that Camp Galilee was gracious to us and we are set to head back to Renfrew for our Fall Retreat :)
See you all on Friday!
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