YF Leadership Retreat this Weekend! (6th and 7th)
Hope you all are enjoying your awesome Christmas break! I'm thankful for the 2011 year we got to have together as YF. I was reminded this morning by a youth that for some of you, you've shared that meeting together is the highlight of your week and I pray that YF can continue to have that attitude and love for each other as we move into 2012. It takes a willingness from all of us to have that attitude towards each other and I'm still encouraged that we can trust each other enough to share our joys and pains together, keeping each other in prayer.This weekend (6th and 7th) is the YF Leadership Retreat weekend at our home, address in your e-mail (6th and 7th)! The Friday night is a fun gathering where we can enjoy each others company, chat, play games etc. Please arrive at regular YF time (7:30pm) and bring snacks, board games, wii-motes, drinks etc. If you are staying for leadership retreat, be picked up by 4:30pm on Saturday. Please bring Bibles, writing utensils, paper, toiletries, towel, warm sleeping bags and games. For Leadership retreat, please let me know you are coming ASAP as we are purchasing stuff for breakfast and lunch for the Saturday. You are all encouraged to attend leadership retreat and get involved in serving. Begin praying and asking God how we can love Him more and be a better fellowship, brainstorm some ideas for YF in advance. As members of YF, we'll discuss the ideas you have, share the vision of YF, explore your spiritual gifts and figure out some various roles you can take part in to run retreats, coffeehouse, mission trips etc. Attached FORM must be filled out for leadership retreat.
This Sunday (8th), I'll be preaching at the Vietnamese church so Jeff will be teaching a Bible study that is close to his heart, so please be attentive, ready to discuss and be challenged. :)
Let us know how we can be praying for you and if you'd like, suggest a time for us to chat!
See you all on Friday and Saturday!
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