pleasantries to you all! just wanted to first of all say thank you to everyone for paying so much attention to the Bible study on friday!! it encouraged me a lot and i hope and pray that you prayerfully considered what was learned that night (pastor david nguyen said alot of the same stuff on sunday didn't he? that worked out well). also - big up's to james, yue, manson (and jlam) for leading us in worship too!so ivan and his folks are cool with letting us use their place after bowling at merivale bowling centre [a detailed map - bowling to get there] it will be glow in the dark, so try and wear white clothing, (the last time i wore non-white clothing it looked like i had dandruff, so you want to avoid that) please arrive (on time!) at the front entrance by 7:00pm, i will enter the place at 7:15pm, you must find me if you come late, please bring $8.50 for bowling and two bus tickets to get to ivan's. we will have some worship time at ivan's with ivan and jeremy, ask your parents to pick you up from ivan's [map - ivan] at 10:00pm. please download the summer release form for your parents to sign (if you are under 18) and bring it to me on friday.
discipleship week has been moved to august 21st - 25th, so i'll be back to spend time with you guys ;). it was a very edifying week last year and i am looking forward to it again. please make the time to read the Word and focus on Him this week. see you guys on friday at merivale!
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