Tuesday, January 30, 2007

special awana presentation

last friday was alot of fun, i think we had more than the 25 people we had the first time! thanks for the attention at sunday school too, we've been having a large number of you each week so far as we study colossians together and it's been encouraging to have a couple of minutes at the end to pray for each other each week. also want to praise Him for our newcomers this year and for bringing val back to us safely from japan!

as you heard in the announcements, we will be having a special awana presentation this friday, come to the presentation to learn what awana is all about! dave will be our special guest speaker and will introduce the awana ministry to our church, they seek to assist churches in reaching children and youth with the gospel message. we will be joined by the h2o fellowship, pure energy and the adults, please come this friday with an open heart and open ears as we hear about the heartbeat of this ministry, feel free to invite your parents too. for more information on the awana ministry, feel free to visit their website at awana.org. blessings, and see you all on friday!