Tuesday, January 15, 2008

YF Bible study this Friday

just wanted to thank you all for such a great start last friday to our Bible studies in acts. a lot of you were involved in the discussion too, there was lots of learning that night and hope it will continue. same in sunday school! also thanks for everyone's willingness to serve on the getaway leadership team as well!

this friday, we will continue looking at the book of Acts, please bring your Bibles and pens and paper too! i know its lots to remember each week so it would help if you took notes, even on key verses. it's encouraging to see all the acts of His disciples and how amazing it is to lead a life of service. Some of us knew very little of the Spirit, so it was good to discuss it last week too.

We briefly talked about exercising our gifts to serve the church last weekend, pastor cal mentioned the english ministry vision sharing on january 27th following service. many of your parents will be there and the mandarin parents will likely stay behind for their own meeting that day. pastor cal asked that since many of you will be staying behind could you help look after some of the children for an hour or so that afternoon. please let pastor cal or i know about it too!

a couple of you have expressed interest in the todays teens conference in Toronto in february 16, transportation will be free if you want to come (shelly and i will take you there)! mission fest will be in toronto from march 6-8th, (the week before getaway) if you have been thinking or praying about short term or long term missions please don't hesitate to talk to me or auntie blossom. your stay and transportation will be arranged!

see you this friday!