Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Discipleship Week and Intentional YF!

It's been so awesome seeing so many of you every morning for Discipleship week! Your parents should already have this address but the place we are meeting tomorrow morning is:

Salvation Army Gladstone Community Church
391 Gladstone Ave. at 9am - 12am.

If you are being picked up, please ask your parents to pick you up AT the Salvation Army church. If you want, I will be walking back to church (good exercise!) afterwards, I'd love company for the walk!

Also for FRIDAY - For over 20 of you, we've have been having Discipleship week every morning so DURING the normal YF timeslot (7:30pm) I've encouraged you all to intentionally (intentionally!) spend time with each other to develop community. This can be in groups of 2 or 5 or 15 or 20. Just to be intentionally spending time in fellowship and getting to know each other better. God desires you to be co-ministers and deep in your fellowship with one another. It's been a fantastic week to spend with you all and I've really appreciated how you did all your homework each night too! I promise to read them all too! We will be praying for amazing small groups on Friday and please reach out to people you haven't talked to in awhile too!

also, look forward and mark your calendars for our fall retreat this year: oct 17-19th!