Tuesday, February 24, 2009

YF Bible study this Friday (and upcoming)

last week's big brothers and sisters event was really fun :) shelly still has burn marks on her feet from the crawling game (they are getting darker everyday), too bad our blue team won that event :) we really appreciate how you interacted with and treated your little brothers and sisters. epic win. thanks for taking part in our sunday school series on decisions as well, we looked at romans 12 and judged for ourselves whether we were more conformed to the world than renewed as we looked at the latter half of the chapter.

this friday (27th) we will be continuing our study of nehemiah and how a cupbearer rose to having a tremendous national impact as God honoring leader. please bring your Bibles as we continue to discover ways to grow in our own lives as examples and leaders.

i want to remind you again about 'families feud' on march 13th, make sure you do your best to prioritize that event and give your parents 'the memo' for that event, we want you to bring one of your parents to the event. remember TC is coming up soon, grades 9-10 are march 16-17, grades 11-12 are march 18-19.

please send in pictures, it doesn't have to be a nice one, in fact - the more embarrassing it is the better :) (so i can develop a wallet sized picture of you for the magnet prayer board!) a simple request, just click reply, attach, pick photo and BLAM!

let us know how you are doing!
see you all friday!