Tuesday, December 29, 2009

YF Games and Leadership Retreat this Weekend (1-2)

It's the end of an awesome year, I'm certainly thankful for you guys and the year that we've had together. Everyone involved from the adults and the youth, you've taught me something (even if you don't know it). I hope and pray that you are closer to Christ and I know the journey isn't over. My prayer is that 2010 is a year that will be marked by the Lord working in our families, our fellowship, our church and our city. We can't do that without each of you praying and discovering how you can be a part of the Lord's plan.

With that said, our leadership retreat is this weekend, we still haven't heard from everybody that we think are attending but there is already a good number of you. Even if you do not consider yourself a leader, please come because we believe everyone is capable of leading in different ways. Please let us know if you are coming right away because Rae-Anne and Shelly are purchasing the food for you all. Please pray in advance this week and brainstorm some ideas you have for YF, we want you to take ownership because we (as adults) trust in your knowledge and wisdom about high school students (the challenges they face and the care they need). For the leadership retreat, the form is attached again and you will NEED to fill that out and bring it to the retreat if you have not handed it in already. Please bring $5 to help offset the costs of food. Bibles, writing utensils, paper, toiletries, towel, sleeping bags and games. As leaders and prospective leaders of the YF, we will discuss our ideas (come having thought of some), vision, look into Scripture and discover the roles you can play while working together to plan student run teams and events. YF starts at 7:30pm on Friday night and those who are staying for leadership retreat may stay until 5:30pm on Saturday. For the Friday night you can bring your board games, wiimotes, wii games etc.

Our brother Eric Pan wants youth to gather on New Year's Eve at the church to pray for the leadership retreat, maybe you can get together for dinner and then pray together in the evening. I think it's an awesome idea for you to get together and the adults see that youth took the initiative to get together and pray. It would be an encouragement to them to pray with you too. If you have any questions about when and where to meet ask Eric.

Let us know how we can pray for you,
Hope you've had an awesome Christmas, reflecting on Christ with your families