Tuesday, February 09, 2010

YF Bible study in Romans this Friday (12th)

From the depth of our hearts, we thank God for each and everyone of your prayers and encouragements for baby Levi. He's been an incredible blessing from the Lord and gives us joy everytime we look at him (even changing the diapers and waking up every couple of hours!) Haha, we love him to bits. God is sooo good and everyday I am reminded of all the big and small miracles He does daily. Please keep us in your prayers as we face new joys and challenges, and continue to pray for baby Armishaw and parents as well! :) We still remember you in prayer, may the Lord have His hands on each one of you and may you display His glory in everyway possible!

Thanks for taking the time last week to plan ahead in groups for the coffeehouse, it brings a lot of joy to see you work together for the Lord's work. This week Friday (12th), we are definitely due for the Bible study in Romans 12. We've talked about major themes like justification by faith over the course of a few chapters and then focused on sanctification through the Holy Spirit... Romans 12 really helps in making things emphatically clear: live the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a reason this chapter is incredibly loved as the Spirit shapes lives upon reflecting on these verses. Bring your Bibles, pens and come with a heart that is willing to see what God may be trying to say to you.

PLEASE continue praying for your friends, I heard some good things about the training week! Apparently, there were over 600 students in the Ottawa region over the course of the week that attended, (more on some nights than others). Paul has confirmed 14 assemblies in high schools, the outreach nights from the 22nd-26th and the big event on the 26th. We also need a lot of student volunteers on the big night, so if you have already signed up, or want to sign up please let me know ASAP. Next YF, we'll be going over the discussion points of the video so you can engage in natural conversations with your friends that come out to the outreach nights.

In Sunday school, we looked into God's Word to explore His sovereignty as part of our essential theology series, this week we will be looking into Biblical answers to questions you've submitted.

Things to keep in mind as we move ahead:
ENGAGE: outreach events taking place the whole week of February 22-26th.
- Quest video on YF (19th), we want you to be familiar and aware of some questions.
- February 13th (sat) Gracious Light is hosting a family day at our church.

As usual, let us know how we can pray for you!
See you all on Friday!