YF Bible study this Friday (7th) Minor Prophets
Thanks for the discussion on Friday about what it means to be in relationship with God, are we walking in relationship with the God of this universe? Jesus came to demonstrate compassion, truth, love and forgiveness (the purest definition of those words as God demonstrates the perfect example of each attribute). God's law is written on our hearts, everyone's heart... are you walking in accordance to His desires or choosing your own way? I pray that each of us would be walking in harmony to Christ's life and His plan. Thanks for praying/preparing for coffeehouse as well. Pray for your friends together as well.This Friday (7th), we will be beginning a new Bible study series on the minor prophets! I'm especially excited about this series. Not many Christians deeply explore the minor prophets but there is so much in these stories that can help us see God in all the details of life. Jesus brings meaning and understanding to the minor prophets and each book reminds us of the passion that God has for His people. Each week, we'll be covering a minor prophet and getting a good overview of each book and you should leave with a deeper understanding of the prophets and God's Word as a whole, deeper in love with who He is. Please bring your Bibles and four color pens and join us in the youth room this Friday to delve in together.
Looks like we will be free to use room 203 through the summer!! If you have ideas for the large room and how you would like to design it, let me know or Jon Lam (Hong Kong Jon Lam) who will help design a blueprint for it! Couches, colors, stage, rugs, lighting etc. Let us know, we'd love to have it somewhat designed by Youth Alpha time in September :) Pray for the Ouje team which has been finalized! We will be preparing devotions, games, crafts, prizes, worship, messages etc. for the mission trip from June 27th - July 3rd.
If you would like to meet up or have any prayer requests, please let us know!
See you all on Friday!
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