YF Gym night this Friday (21st) at St. Patrick's High School
[Thursday edit: Please bring sports equipment (if you have a basketball etc.) in case it is not all provided like last time. also, had a meeting with the other youth pastors and discerned the following theme for Getaway based on your input: "Ten Four: Know My Voice" Based on John 10:4 which encapsulates what our top three themes were (but in reverse order). Knowing God then the relationship leads to knowing His Will then dynamically shaping the people (taking over) and world around us. But it all starts from knowing His voice.]Thanks for your full participation in last Friday's Red Letter study of the sermon on the mount and our Sunday school on "Christ as our Model" as part of 'Experiencing God'. I pray that the Spirit would cultivate within you a deeper desire for the Lord and His pleasing and perfect Will. Thanks for those involved in Getaway leadership as well, various committees are already collaborating in preparation for the retreat.

This Sunday (23rd), I'll have the copies of "Experiencing God" workbooks available for you for this term of Sunday School. Please diligently work through these exercises each day. I've heard from a couple of brothers/sisters about how the Lord used this curriculum to completely change their lives as they listen to the Spirit.
For those who are prayerfully considering missions in Ouje, our dates would be June 26th - July 2nd. There is potential that the trip could be longer than previous years, but that is the Teen Camp date. Pastor Enoch and I hope this doesn't overlap with exam dates as it has in previous years. Also, remember that I'd love to speak at your Faith groups in your schools, share my testimony or brief devotion. For those that are interested, OCBC is hosting Saturate again on the 29th of this month (Saturday evening) and I've been invited to share, you are more than welcome to join for an evening of worship and testimony.
See you all on Friday at St. Patrick's! Invite your friends, admission is free!
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