YF Youth Alpha: Mirage Discussion (6pm-9pm) series this Friday (22nd)
Thanks for participating in last week's discussion of 'Pure'. I heard that there were some good discussions going on and at the very least some serious thought being given to the questions. Thanks for your sharing during our devotional, your ideas for future programs and input for the time re-alignment during the Sunday school hour as well. I've been compiling your input on the time realignment to submit to the Elders Board. If you were not at Sunday school, we would still like to gather your input so I've e-mailed you the Evaluation of Sunday Service realignment as well. I've also e-mailed the two Alpha forms, please fill out both forms as one is for the Alpha retreat and the other is a Youth waiver.This Friday (22nd), we will continuing our 5th discussion on the person of Jesus Christ which will be facilitated by the video "Mirage".
To update, Week 1 - Thirsty discussed whether any of us has a desire or thirst that cannot be satisfied. Week 2 - Polluted described the failures of the church to represent Jesus and how that may create barriers to people knowing who Jesus is.
Week 3 - Source introduced the concept of God as Father.
Week 4 - Pure shared about why Jesus came and what His mission was.
Please arrive as early as you can to mingle and chat as dinner will start shortly after 6pm, mirage and our discussion will end by 9pm. YF students will facilitate the discussions so that the main interaction will be with peers. YF Leaders you should have details in your inbox. You are all encouraged to join us, please continue to welcome others to join the discussion!
Reminder: Alpha retreat is only 2 weeks away, please return the attached forms as soon as you can, forward these forms to your friends e-mail addresses as well. Just like many retreats, we will have lots of time to develop deeper relationships, look into His Word and play games, go to the gym and just hang out! November 5-6th, the retreat is only $45 this time. The cheques are to be made out to 'CCCO' memo: Alpha retreat registration.
See you all on Friday!
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