YF Next Generation Ministry Night this Friday (4th) at church (Winterness forms again!)
First of all, thanks for your great participation in the Fear God discussion. I know that the Spirit was teaching us on Friday night and pray that you would continue to ask the Spirit to teach you what it means to fear Him. It was great seeing such a large group contribute to the discussion. In Sunday school, we continued with the second week of Experiencing God which began on page 38. We focused on the difference between being self-centered and God-centered. For those of you with the books, please continue up to page 66.
This Sunday (6th), We will tackle the first lesson from chapter 3 in our "Experiencing God" workbooks (complete up to pg. 66 this week). Those who own the book are encouraged to complete and meditate on each day's lesson (5 days in each chapter) throughout the week. As mentioned before auntie Salina, uncle Youlian and our very own Brad shared about how the Lord used this curriculum to completely change their lives as they listen to the Spirit.
Also, please remember that I would love to come and share at your Christian groups in your schools, please let me know your schedules and if you`d like to come and share. As always, I would love to catch up and pray for you if you are free (the leaders would love to meet&pray with you too).
Montreal Winterness on Feb 26th - Return FORMS ASAP (attached in e-mail) There will be skidoos, skating.... and winter goodness as well as meals, transportation etc. I`ve attached the Waiver form to your e-mail and promo (produced by Brad and Rae-Anne!) so please get those back to us ASAP as we need to arrange for rides. This is a perfect event to invite your friends to YF as well!
Getaway: Know my Voice. Ten Four (March 18-20).
For those who are prayerfully considering missions in Ouje, our dates would be June 26th - July 2nd. There is potential that the trip could be longer than previous years, but that is the Teen Camp date. Pastor Enoch and I hope this doesn't overlap with exam dates as it has in previous years.
See you all on Friday!
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