YF Bible Study in Philippians this Friday (23rd) Proverbs (25th)
Thanks for an amazing weekend! The camp was fantastic and your participation was great even if there were a few sleepy head nods during that last Sunday session :) God's desire to move you on to spiritual maturity is stronger than you believe. If you continue to seek His face then he will shape you into the image of Himself. I was reading this quote in my devotional this morning: "Prayer is the way in which the soul is infused by the power of the Spirit. If one continues to pray in confidence and strength despite all outer diversions and inner discouragements, there will be a gradual change in one's disposition. The effect is neither rapid nor magical - growth, whether physical or spiritual, takes time and is unobtrusive when viewed on a day to day basis..." Things that would shatter us emotionally or cause jealousy and anger will begin to fade away and be replaced by genuine compassion and care. If you have time in addition to your daily quiet time: Ps 37; Phil 3:12-21; 1 John 2:3-17
Next Friday (30th), CCCO will have access to the St. Patrick's gym again! This is a fantastic facility with lots of equipment for almost any sport you would want to play, feel free to invite friends - it's free!
This Sunday (25th), our journey through Proverbs continues... we started last week with a focus on how essential wisdom is and how the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Throughout the series, the Bible will cover every meaningful aspect of daily life is how we should treat others, handle money, which life path to take etc.
As always, let us know how you are doing, some of you are new to YF and I want to emphasize how real, down to earth our team of leaders is. You can ask us questions about life, faith etc and we'd be glad to know how we can pray for you. One verse that really helps shape my view on fellowship and discipleship is 1 Thess 2:8 "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."
See you all on Friday!
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