YF Relationships Talk this Friday (3rd) Worship Session, Getaway & More!
Thanks for an amazing weekend, there was a lot going on and continues to be! I was especially touched by the worship evening on Saturday night and it was a privilege to speak on worship as the process helped me rediscover some areas I need to address in my own life. The Lord also encouraged me about how He is raising a special generation with you guys! :) Sunday school was really positive as well and a great interaction in Proverbs and situations we all deal with daily!This Friday (3rd) will be a relationships talk, these talks (2 planned) will cover everything from love, relationships, sex etc. Everywhere you look, there are so many messages about sexuality and undertones about what a relationship is. Is it all helping develop a healthy understanding of how love, relationships and sex fit into God's plan for our lives? Yes, Maybe, not at all? Was Christ counter-cultural to the audience he was speaking to in the gospels? Bring your Bibles as we'll look into Scripture, have a lot of group interaction and discover together a deeper understanding for this God-given passion for intimacy.
This Friday (3rd) before YF (5pm-7:30pm) will also be our second worship training session in 202. Dinner starts at 5pm for those that have signed up (or let Karen know) and the talks begin at 5:30pm with a short worship time from Tim. "What is the heart of worship?" Who and Why we worship?" Pastor Cam, (a guy I met at our 'free Starbucks meetings':) is from the Biker's church. His bio http://wp.bikerschurch.com/?page_id=241 is pretty ridiculous, just the way I like it. Auntie Salina will also be sharing on working and relating with children in "Who Knows? Knows who?"
This Saturday (4th), the Getaway worship team will be meeting at EACO at 1:30pm-4:00pm for another practice, I've enlisted some worship lovers (Manson and Michael) to help too :) See you guys there! There is a promo meeting on the 12th I believe, check with your promo leaders.
This Sunday (5th) will continue with the devotional thought (which is sometimes, not always better than) the lesson and Proverbs :)
Attached in the e-mail is a Rock the River letter and form for your parents about the journey and the RTR student launch that is coming up Feb 10th at Cedarview. Get your student groups at school involved (startline etc.) tell them to get their youth pastors on board! There is a ski trip on February 25th if you are interested give me a shout asap so I can let PDave know... $15 rental, $15 lift, $11 lessons, $6 helmet and $10.
Let us know how we can be praying for you or if you have time to meet up!
TLDR: Read the bolds. and we love you.
See you all on Friday,
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