Tuesday, October 21, 2008

YF short devotion and games night this Friday!

from the depths of my heart i want to thank you for an amazing YF retreat last weekend, it was truly an unforgettable experience that shelly and i talked about all sunday and yesterday :). we really love all of you and were privileged to share that weekend with all of you... yes, even thankful for the cold part of it. please remember everything you learned! KNOW Jesus! keep the 'Samaritans' list and the greatest need that you've listed and need to be open to God's desires for what role you have to play in it. we may even follow that up this week :) shelly and i will keep praying for you that you would know Him more as you made that desire known this weekend. we are really thankful that YF is so awesome, we really love you all!

this week, we'll have a short time of devotion (i have a passage of Scripture i really want to share with you guys) then followed by a time to finally get a little more use of the youth room! please bring your cards, hot chocolate, wii games and friends to have a great time this friday!! in addition there is a missions conference at our church on saturday night that i'll be attending, and there is also the gathering at scotiabank place that shelly may be going to (with friends too!) and we'll continue our study in Job on sunday morning.

if you want to talk more, have a tea/coffee/lunch with shelly or i (or both of us!) let us know. we are open for you to talk too! the other leaders are willing to talk to you too (i think) hhehe :)
see you friday!