Tuesday, March 27, 2012

YF Games Night in 202 this Friday (30th)

It was an encouraging weekend, the Lord is changing the culture in our fellowship and it's been amazing. We've always been a close group and it's nice to see you openly sharing in small groups of prayer at the end of Friday and Sunday. I've made the mistake of filling up the time with longer studies at times and it hasn't left enough time for you guys to share what God has been doing in your lives and we need to allow more time for prayer together. I pray that John 8 and Mark 5 impacted you as much as Spirit has used those passages to transform me! Thanks for taking the time to share with us what God has been teaching you and make sure to post what He's been teaching you to our "Faithbook" in 202, thanks Priscilla!

This Friday (30th), we'll have a time of games and snacks in room 202!
There are 3 things you are encouraged to bring:
1) friends
2) games (board games, risk, dutch blitz, taboo, apples to apples etc.)
3) snacks + drinks

This Sunday (1st), we'll be continuing our devotional time and series in Proverbs

A blog has been started to share what God has been teaching them, but requested to remain anonymous: http://ahundredpaperhearts.tumblr.com/ Check it out!

This Friday, bring a $29 cheque to CCCO for No Other Name.
Before April 6th (early bird) register for FM 4:19 online
Before April 15th, submit your application for the YF Ouje-Bougoumou mission trip (attached in e-mail) - take time to answer the questions prayerfully and with integrity
Coffeehouse is slowly creeping up on us (May 26th)
Get your 30 Hour Famine forms from me!

I've asked a couple of youth to share in the CCCO-K about Getaway but if you have a burden to contribute something to the next issue, please let me know (it will be translated into Mando and Canto).

Elements of the Good Friday service have been coming together, if you would like to practice Mando singing let me know :)

April 21st, we will have a workshop for any parents in the Mandarin congregation (open to anyone whether their child is an infant up to 18) at Michael and DuoDuo's place.

Looking forward to catching up with a couple of you this week, let me know if you are free for coffee next week!

See you all on Friday!