Tuesday, April 10, 2012

YF/PE Action Life discussion this Friday (13th) Ouje deadline this week

Thanks for an incredible Easter weekend, we were able to reflect on and proclaim the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! In His great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead 1 Pet 1:3. 33 youth from our fellowship were able to join over 800 youth citywide at No Other Name, it's always incredible to watch lives encounter Christ, worship together and share in the Lord's supper.

This Friday (13th), we have the opportunity to hear from (and interact with) Devorah, a representative from Action Life Ottawa on issues regarding abortion and euthanasia. This is a polarizing topic in our schools, workplaces and in the community of faith. Many people (including those in our YF/PE) have strong feelings regarding these issues, it was a workshop that was presented at No Other Name and we have the privilege of having the presentation available for our group. Please bring your Bible, a willingness to listen as well as ask any question that you may want on this particular issue.


OUJE DEADLINE THIS WEEK! (April 15th, attached in e-mail), submit your application for the YF Ouje-Bougoumou mission trip, this is an awesome opportunity to run a week-long Bible camp for Cree teens, live life together and share the living hope we have in Christ - take time to answer the questions prayerfully and with integrity

I've registered 17 of you at the early bird price ($10) for FM 4:19 May 4/5th, let me know ASAP if you can make it (it is now $15).
Coffeehouse is slowly creeping up on us (May 26th)
Sunday school (15th), we will have a special guest then YF will discuss coffeehouse and I'll have a lesson for Pure Energy from the gospel.
Get your 30 Hour Famine forms from me (coming up April 27th-28th)!
April 21st, we will have a workshop for any parents in the Mandarin congregation (open to anyone whether their child is an infant up to 18) at Michael and DuoDuo's place.

Remember to keep praying for one another and let us know if you'd like to catch up,

See you all on Friday!