Tuesday, March 31, 2009

YF Guys/Girls night at homes this Friday (NoN registration today!)

thanks for being a part of another amazing weekend!! friday night was a really encouraging (and honest) time of sharing and prayer, God is really doing some amazing things in the fellowship and i pray that we continue to make God and our relationships/fellowship our top priorities. it was so great to have our voices heard this past worship service too! lots of adults were really encouraged by your sharing, you teach us! thanks for being such incredible youth as well! i heard from a few people that sunday's second coffeehouse meeting was great too, with lots of people involved :) that's what im talkin bout *in my that's what im talkin bout voice*

this friday, we decided to do something special and have the gatherings at homes (right after school! as soon as you can get there until 10pm). the GUYS will be meeting at my place (address in your e-mail) ) and the GIRLS will be meeting at Rae-Anne's place (in your email) this will allow us to have more time and freedom to share/read/pray and just hang out. we do ask that if you can maybe bring $2 to help offset food costs and snacks that would be great! we are praying for you, the Spirit is doing some amazing things! if you haven't filled out the outside events form, do so. PLEASE SET UP CAR POOLS with YF'ers in the same area as you (as in only one car needs to come to barrhaven from orleans etc.)

once again, REGISTER for No Other Name right now! it literally takes less than 30 seconds - you don't need to put in a credit card number or anything. http://noothername.net/registration.html register as an individual with "Chinese Christian Church of Ottawa" as church name. I've talked to the organizer about our group and we will gather the money on the day of NoN.

coffeehouse is uber soon (may 22nd), it was great to have everyone meet (twice) on sunday about it, hopefully its snowballing right now :) pray/think about the people you have in mind to bring!

the ouje-bougoumou trip is quickly approaching! for those who have been praying about going, please fill out this quick form ASAP. it's a big decision and involves preparation, but those that have served on this trip last year know that labor for God is never in vain.

it's also been great to meet with you all during the week to, if you are free - give us a shout to talk. we'll set it up.