YF Family Feud this Friday (4th) Getaway Forms due this Week!
Thanks to Ray and Esther who opened their home to us and displayed amazing hospitality for Winterness on Saturday! They are simply amazing and even had like 20 pairs of snowpants on hand for us haha! It was a great time and a big thanks to all the adult helpers who organized, cooked, and drove for this great time in Montreal! Praise the Lord that we are all in one piece! :) On Sunday, we spoke about transformation by the Holy Spirit, we have to intentionally be transformed from the inside out. This will change how we see and respond! We also had the opportunity to discuss some preliminary plans for our upcoming coffeehouse!
This Sunday (6th), we will be continuing our study through Experiencing God, unit 7. Getaway: Know My Voice - Ten Four forms are due this Sunday as well!!! Please return the attached form with cheque payable to 'OCYM' or 'Ottawa Chinese Youth Ministerium' before this Sunday!
There are baptism opportunities this Easter service, if you have been praying about baptism please let me know as soon as possible! :) I'll be sharing at the Lisgar Collegiate Christian club next month and I'm available to the rest of you as well, I really want to know how I can serve you and your schools too! Let me know if you would like to catch up and pray together too!
Upcoming (mark your calendars):
Getaway: Know my Voice. Ten Four (March 18-20). FORM attached in e-mail "Get your forms in by March 6th.... March 6th... the price is $115, $115, one fifteeeeeeeen."
30 Hour Famine: We are doing the 30 Hour Famine this year! I've asked the other pastors and they are down. April 8-9th!
No Other Name: April 22 http://www.noothername.net/ $26 before April 1st, $36 after April 1st
For those who are prayerfully considering missions in Ouje, our dates would be June 26th - July 2nd. There is potential that the trip could be longer than previous years, but that is the Teen Camp date. Pastor Enoch and I hope this doesn't overlap with exam dates as it has in previous years.
See you all on Friday!
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