Tuesday, April 24, 2012

YF 30 Hr. Famine at EACO this Friday (27th) & Sat (28th) FM 4:19 etc.

"we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might..." thanks for a fantastic weekend as we spent time in Colossians and Proverbs as well as understanding the spiritual battle that we encounter each day, make every effort to heed Eph 6:10-20.

This weekend is the 30 Hour Famine at EACO (4 Thorncliff Pl) from 7:30pm Friday (27th) to 7pm Sat (28th), we'll be having a lot of fun with icebreakers, worship, prayer, games, movies, service projects and of course a lot of free fellowship time! I've attached a form that you MUST complete for the famine in order to attend/sleep over. The goals are attached. The fast will begin after lunch on Friday and continue until dinner on Saturday at 6pm, this is just a glimpse to increase our awareness and burden for world hunger. Pray for the vast amount of people who lack resources and proper nutrition and that World Vision would be faithful stewards as they distribute the funds that are raised to those who need it most.

Stuff to bring (PAY ATTENTION) Signed and completed waiver form (attached) All used and unused fundraising forms/money $5 for supper Bible, clothes for the night and day, board games, cameras, sleeping bag, pillow. hygeine items such as toothbrush, comb, shampoo, deodorant. (instruments and equipment if you are on the worship team)

The details: 7:30pm Friday night at EACO (4 Thorncliff Pl) to 7pm on Saturday night, $5 for supper on Saturday

Instead of everyone playing on their phone/iphone like gaming device, at fellowship we enjoy reverting to archaic forms of recreation like talking to friends.

I have the following 16 youth signed up for FM 4:19 at $10 a piece (It is now $15 to register, let me know as soon as possible). If you have paid you are marked with a (p): Allan, Andrew(p), Maria(p), Marcus(p), Zachary(p), Eric Y, Rachel Y, Priscilla, Eugene, Eugenia, Jade (p), Gloria (p), Hillary, Aaron, Jeffrey(p), Alison(p)

Coffeehouse is coming up on May 26th, just a month away! We encourage the student leadership team to focus on the progress thus far. Start praying about who you can invite to the coffeehouse too!

Let us know how we can be praying for you or if you would like to meet up, and we'll have lots of time to catch up during the famine!

See you all on Friday and Sat!