Tuesday, May 05, 2009

YF Bible study this Friday

This is an extremely busy and exciting time, I've already called some of you about the Ouje-trip, I'll be calling those who have applied during this week and we will have to get going on the logistics of the trip. Regardless of whether or not you are able to go on the trip this year, please commit the ministry and the trip to God in your prayers. We will certainly need it in these 2 months.

This Friday we are continuing our study on godly leadership displayed in the book of Nehemiah. We will be studying chapter 6 this week. Please bring your Bibles and commit to coming with an attitude to learn from God's Word. I'm really encouraged to see so many people committed to attend Bible studies and we usually have a stinky room by the end of it. That's pretty awesome if you ask me, "that's what im talkin bout." Once again, feel free to bring chips and drinks: this is just another easy way to serve YF.

Coffeehouse is now Saturday, MAY 23rd! This would provide the entire morning and afternoon for setup/practices, hopefully most of it can be ready on the Friday night, but Saturday would give us lots of extra prep for minor details. It's nice to see coffeehouse planning moving, the individual teams were able to get things going. Please commit to bring at least 1 friend and keep them in prayer.

I've had the privilege to be a part of a lot of exciting regional planning committees. It's been a blessing for me to be able to be a part of the big picture of youth min. I've shared with you briefly about the vision of the BGA coming back to Ottawa and we plan to be involved in the schools of this region but we need the students to show the initiative to make it happen. This is a really exciting week-long initiative and we need every believer in the Ottawa high schools to get involved. I've included more details in your e-mail and will talk about this briefly on Friday as well.

Some of you have already confirmed you'll be helping with this year's VBS (August 10-14), please set that time aside if you can help. Also clear your calendar for YF Discipleship Week which is the following week (August 17-21).

Have an awesome week, keep praying for YF, us leaders and your friends!
See you Friday!