YF Sharing and Fellowship this Friday (25th) (Ouje forms again)
God is good, all the time. This weekend is seriously beyond words, when people have asked me how it went - I can't even begin to describe how awesome the Lord is. How the Spirit has been working in your lives has been incredible and a tremendous blessing for me to witness. I am really thankful for all the prayers, tears, laughs and late talks that we were able to share. Your prayers for each other, the relationships that you invested in, serving in worship/games/promo/devos/small groups etc. the initiatives you took were amazing. We have some new siblings in Christ and pray that as a fellowship we could continue to sharpen one another and commit to honoring the Lord through the Word and prayer. Remember these moments, testify to how the Lord impacted you through Getaway and these past few weeks/months/years.This Saturday (26th) we will be painting the Next Gen room, we will need a couple of volunteers to help us with this task. This is a great way to serve the church and the generations of people who will fellowship in this room. I'll ask again on Friday, but please let me know if you are available to serve in this way (we will join you!)
This Sunday (27th) we will be beginning a new Sunday school course examining some fundamental stories in the Old Testament, we have a longing to know where we came from and make sense of our world and ourselves. My prayer is that you would encounter the God who keeps promises, does marvelous miracles and forgives His own when they make horrible choices. We will dig though Adam and Eve, Samuel, Esther and more...
30 Hour Famine forms were handed out at the Getaway, DO NOT LOSE THEM (they are marked legal fundraising documents so be sure to treat them with care). If you do not have forms, we will give them to you on Friday. The event is April 8th-9th at EACO.
Ouje-Bougoumou (June 26 - July 2) forms are attached in your e-mail, firm deadline is April 8th. This form will take some time to reflect and answer questions, please don't take this opportunity lightly and prayerfully consider your participation.
Remember to let me know about NO OTHER NAME before April 1st for $10 savings! I already have 20 of you registered, please bring $26 cheques payable to 'No Other Name' before April 1st.
Coffeehouse is coming up on May 21st! That'll come in a blink of the eye. We encourage the student leadership team to focus on the progress thus far. Start praying about who you can invite to the coffeehouse too!
Anyone missing a pair of black/white Adidas shoes (size 7.5)?
Woah that was a long e-mail! I'll be meeting with quite a few of you in the coming weeks, but let me know if you want a time to catch up!
See you all on Friday!
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