YF No Other Name this Good Friday (22nd) at Sacred Heart High School
Thanks for your participation and sharing at our Bible study on faith and doubt. Brad had it on his heart to share with you for quite some time as he has experienced depth in both categories throughout his pilgrimage with God. Please reflect on Paul's encouragement in Phil 4:8-9, this is a verse that Brad and I have talked about when he had shared about this topic with me months ago. Brad had also included 1 Cor 10:12; 1 Pet 5:8; John 20:24-29 and Mk 9:24.
Remember that CCCO has our Good Friday service which begins at 10am and is scheduled to end at 11pm. Please join your families to worship on Friday and arrange car pools and your own transportation to Sacred Heart High School afterwards!
The YF Ouje-Bougoumou mission trip team has been confirmed at the last C&Y core group meeting. I'll be letting each of you know within the next couple of weeks. We still need additional drivers and adults to participate in this trip. Check your exam schedule to see if June 26th to July 2nd overlaps with your last exam and make arrangements. Please pray for all the preparation that needs to take place for the trip.
It's encouraging to see Coffeehouse planning for May 21st is well underway. Please remember that we will not have access to the basement sanctuary the morning of coffeehouse, so make preparations with that in mind so we can finish most of the decor the day before during YF. Please keep in mind the purpose of the event and learn to work together with respect for one another.
As always, please let us know how we can be praying for you AND let each other know how they can be praying for you! We need to trust each other and learn how to love one another in community.
See you guys on Friday at CCCO and then Sacred Heart!
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