YF 'Despicable Me' this Friday (1st) NoN, Coffeehouse, Ouje
Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements, our baby girl arrived early and we are cherishing this blessing! Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies Ps. 36:5. I was overjoyed to hear about an amazing time of sharing last Friday! I was told it was extremely encouraging to hear of how the Spirit has been working in your life and how God has been speaking to each of you lately. Know that our God truly is mighty to save. Please continue your commitments to read His Word and spend time in prayer each day. Special thanks to Jon Lam, Tim Lee, Brad, Luke, Laura and all the h2o students who helped paint and clean up last week - the room looks fantastic! Thanks to all who committed to completing the Experiencing God course. Last Sunday we had the privilege of starting a new series in the Old Testament, we started with Adam and Eve and really entered into their story and the consequences of sin. We saw how immediate the impact of sin in our lives and how it affects them individually and everyone around them. It was a really good start and we look forward to continuing that with you guys!This Sunday (3rd) we will be continuing our new Sunday school course where we study some fundamental stories in the Old Testament. We'll continue where we left of after Adam and Eve and peek into the book of Exodus. Throughout the series we'll step into the shoes of people like Samuel and Esther. Throughout this course, we'll have a larger picture of the God who keeps promises, does marvelous miracles and forgives His own when they make horrible choices.
No Other Name (April 22nd, Noon to 10pm), I am registering our group for $10 savings this Thursday evening by 9PM. I already have several people written down to attend, if you do not let me know by this Thursday by 9pm, you may still register as an individual on the website http://www.noothername.net for the full $36. Let me know by Thursday to pay $26 instead.
30 Hour Famine will be held April 8th-9th at EACO. The fundraising forms were handed out at the Getaway, last Friday and Sunday, DO NOT LOSE THEM (they are marked legal fundraising documents so be sure to treat them with care). If you do not have forms, we will give them to you on Friday.
The Mission trip to Ouje-Bougoumou will take place June 26 - July 2, the forms are attached in this e-mail. This year the firm deadline is April 8th. This form will take some time to reflect and answer questions, please don't take this opportunity lightly and prayerfully consider your participation.
It looks like planning for coffeehouse e-mails and organization has commenced :) It's coming up May 21st! Always remember the purpose of the event. The student leadership team has been fantastic so far, please continue to focus on why we are running the event as it takes a lot of invested time and resources but it's always been worth it! Prayerfully begin to invite your friends so they can book the date!
Let us know how we can be praying for you!
See you all on Friday!
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