Tuesday, June 19, 2012

YF Sharing/Testimony & Prayer this Friday (22nd) Ouje this Sunday (24th)

Thanks for the meaningful discussion on prayer last week, as a fellowship it's been encouraging to be a part of the 'football huddles', korean prayer and as a family praying on our knees together.  We were able to focus on the Lord's prayer together, remembering personal requests, our mission trip and each another during the final exam season at school.  Thanks also for taking part in the relay, through Eugenia spearheading efforts $1615 was raised for cancer research.  What an amazing season of ministry with the coffeehouse, community projects, ouje prep etc.  May you continue to please the Lord in every way, bearing fruit in every good work and grow in the knowledge of God.

This Friday (22nd) will be a time of sharing, testimony and prayer.  Please come to fellowship with something to share that the Lord has been teaching you.  After the Getaway, we realized that we need to allow more room for us to encourage one another by what the Lord has been teaching us.  Share what God has been teaching you through your devotion, through the exam season, through your reading plan, share some goals you have set in regards to faith.  Most of you will be done your exams, so you are encouraged to join us in celebration :)

This Sunday (24th) we will be leaving on our trip to Ouje-Bougoumou.  Praise the Lord from the wonderful support from brothers and sisters!   Our H2O fellowship (with big thanks to the careers group (led by Shaun, Tim, Vincent) worked hard to prepare 3 weeks of appetizers, meals and desserts and helped raise over $1500 for Ouje (that's not counting envelope donations), and the church has responded by donating even more than our goal!  So as we prepare for this trip, know that our church stands behind us through prayer, fasting and financial support!   Every year, the prayer & fasting schedule that auntie Salina puts together fills up and I just sent them a very long list of prayer requests for our trip.  For those on the team, meet at the church on Sunday at 8:15am with bags packed and ready to go.

YF Mission trip to Ouje-Bougoumou (June 24-June 30th)
YF Bigger or Better (Saturday, July 7th)
YF Discipleship Week (August 13-17th)

Let us know how we can be praying for your life (growth, exams etc.) and if you would like to set up a time to catch up!
See you all on Friday!