Tuesday, July 24, 2012

YF at Mooney's Bay this Friday (27th)

Thanks for a great weekend with games on Friday and the mission sharing service on Sunday.  Many in the congregation have shared that they were encouraged by the depth of maturity and reflection of your sharing.  They could see how you could empathize with the hardships of others, were appreciative of the body of Christ and most importantly are passionate about the Great Commission!  YF as a whole continues to encourage/surprise me and I firmly believe you have helped live out 1 Timothy 4:12.

YF will begin a bit earlier this Friday (27th) at Mooney's Bay (Hogsback and Riverside) at the gazebo which is near basketball nets and washrooms. To take full advantage of the summer, we would like to meet there as early as 4:15pm until 8:15pm (feel free to arrive when you are able).  Bring frisbees, volleyballs, baseball gloves, footballs, sunscreen, snacks, guitars (whatever you want to bring) etc. Since the time overlaps with dinner, feel free to eat prior to arriving or bring your own food!

Next on the plate:
Food Fight, Waterfight, Discipleship Week, Fall Retreat, Rock the River and more!

Discipleship Week 'Weird" is coming up August 13-17th!  We'll have times of teaching, discussion and practical service opportunities in our community.  Many of these practical things have led to volunteering on a regular basis for some of you.  Some have developed deep burdens and it has helped play a role in life choices.  Pray that God would continue to shape all of us and make us more like Him!

VBS is the following week (20th-24th), Jen and I just had a meeting with many of you who are volunteering (thanks!)  Yes, you can get hours, let her know if you'd like to help! :)

Pray for the Fall Retreat (Sept 21-23) and Rock the River (Sept 29-30) this September and bring your coffeehouse friends!

See you at Mooney`s on Friday!