Tuesday, May 12, 2009

YF Coffeehouse preparation/practice this Friday

First of all, a big heartfelt thank you to everyone for making Shelly's surprise birthday basket! It really meant a lot to her, she was excited all the way home and spent a nice time reading letters, getting excited about all the fancy smells and thoughtful things that were in the basket, each gift was really encouraging to her (she had a smile on her face the whole time)! It makes me super happy and we wrote about you guys in our gratitude journal (as we often do!) I have a picture of everyone that I wanted to attach but it's on the computer at home (doh!) :) Thanks for the great discussion on Nehemiah chapter 6 as well. It was a strict reminder about how serious God is about taming our speech. It's always awesome that our group can discuss issues like that with such honesty and wide participation.

YF this Friday is reserved for our coffeehouse prep - It's only a week from this Friday (reality check!). I'm positive that there is so much work to be done before that! So we need everyone to commit to coming with their progress/props/ideas... I've got the downstairs sanctuary and rooms booked for us this Friday, so we can use the stage for music, drama, dancing etc and we have several rooms to get more planning done as well. We need every bit of time for planning as possible now. Remember that this is an outreach program, this event will only be worthwhile if you invite your school friends! Please continue to pray for the friends you've invited for our coffeehouse on May 23rd! You guys can be extremely powerful examples in your schools.

The Ouje-Bougoumou mission trip is underway with our initial meeting last week, please keep praying along with us as we prepare for this awesome ministry this summer. There is still a lot of money that needs to be raised, preparations for messages, devotions, music, crafts and games as well as prices for vehicles/food that need to be worked out! This trip is such an amazing ministry opportunity and needs a lot of prayer!

If you remember, please pray for the Pure Energy retreat for our junior high students this Saturday, I'll be teaching them a few sessions and we'll have a new batch of grade 6'ers joining us too! It's an important ministry age with some of them coming in to YF next year!

YF Discipleship week is always a great week to spend together in the summer (August 17th - 21st). I'm advertising it extremely early to avoid any conflicts with your summer school stuff or work because it's really important! The theme this year will focus on how to get the most out of our Bibles. I know the Bible is a big and intimidating book, but we will look at ways to understand the big picture and get an idea of the themes in each book and how salvation history all fits together. It's going to be a large task to undertake in a week but it will help you get deeper into God's Word! VBS still needs help, it's an important ministry to the children in our church and community and it runs from August 10th - 14th.

Remember, we adult leaders like to make time to meet with any of you (drop us a line via e-mail and we will try and meet you someplace for food, tea, coffee etc.) We love being a part of your life and are here for you for the good/bad times.

See you Friday!