Tuesday, June 09, 2009

YF at Relay for Life this Friday (Nepean Sportsplex)

We appreciate everyone that took time out of the busy exam season to pray for the families in the church. I've already received a letter from a family that was really encouraged that you dropped by to pray for them! Big thanks to all the drivers too! There are many who mentioned they were encouraged on Sunday as well about the prayer, your prayer goes a long way toward building up the families in the church. Also... thanks so much to everyone during the Ouje fundraiser yesterday, it was cool to see all us youth serving the adults/seniors in our congregation. Hope that can continue :) The adults also gave lots of financial support and will commit to praying for our trip as well! I haven't received the final number but I know that God has given through many of the families here!

This Friday, we want to continue our support of the Relay for Life at the Nepean Sportsplex. As you know, many of the families in our church have been impacted by cancer, Jeff, who is in our YF fam and the Ling family lost their Mother to cancer. Please come to the Nepean Sportsplex (in the football field) (directions) at 7:30pm, you can arrive as early as 7:00pm and leave at whatever time you desire (the Lings and some families stay overnight). Even your presence will show your support. If you wish, uncle Eric is raising support and you can make a donation in your name or anonymously. As Bible study was originally scheduled, we can take this opportunity to have one outside, so bring your Bibles and we will learn from some of the devotions the teens have prepared for Ouje this summer.

YF Grads: The Grad CD team needs your help in making it possible - they need your baby pictures, family and grad pics as soon as possible (like yesterday!). Please e-mail them to the address that I sent you.

Keep praying (and if you are on the team, preparing) for our Ouje trip at the end of this month! Give us updates on what we can pray for or if you want to meet up next week.

Upcoming, book your time off!
YF Ouje-Bougoumou June 28th - July 4th
YF h2o CAMPING Weekend! July 24-26th SPOTS do need to be reserved for rides and equipment. RSVP asap.
YF Discipleship week (August 17th - 21st)
VBS (August 10th - 14th)
YF Fall Retreat is September 11-13th at Rae-Annès parents lake-side house close to Montreal!

See you Friday at the Sportsplex!