Wednesday, August 29, 2007

YF this Thursday, Grad farewell and summer close out with h2o!

you already have the e-mail but yf will take place this thursday (yes, thursday) evening and will be combined with our brothers and sisters in h2o again as we say "see you later" to our yf grads (manson and caleb) and h2o out of towners (james, karen, sonja and allison) - let me know if i am forgetting anyone.

please meet at the gazebo of andrew haydon park [ directions] at 5:45pm and we should have the space until 10:00pm. it will be a pot luck, so please bring some food, drinks, snacks or desserts. this may be our last chance to say a proper farewell to some of these friends as some will be far out west!

please also feel free to invite the friends that you brought to the coffeehouse (because you brought A LOT!) and welcome them to join us for supper and an evening together.

feel free to bring your guitars, djembe, frisbees, footballs etc. as it should be a nice day on thursday!

see you all on thursday!!! GRADS make sure you come out, this is our day for you, we want to see you ;)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

YF/h2o "can You hear me?" Coffeehouse

as you are all aware, tomorrow night is the big day. many of you have been putting in a lot of time to prepare for the coffeehouse, i've seen a lot of you at church for up to 13 hours each day practicing music, preparing programs, food, decorations and getting the word out etc. please remember that for all the group leaders, jean has asked that the leaders arrive at church as early as possible tomorrow (hopefully by 5, but earlier the better... there will be people here all day putting up decorations, setting stuff up etc.) and we want to run through some things. please continue to pray for the coffeehouse and for all the friends that will be invited.

there will likely be a freewill donation for the victims who have lost their homes in our community. there was recently a fire on somerset that i'm sure most of you are aware of. we will have a box at the back of the sanctuary that will be dedicated to the victims of the fire. please prayerfully consider doing what you can to help.

our brother and sister (ivan and bonnie), as you are aware from the announcement insert and e-mails; are holding the "music on a mission" tonight at Rideau Park United Church on 2203 Alta Vista Drive at 7pm tonight, if you are available please consider attending, all proceeds go to the ottawa mission homeless shelter.

i have also been fortunate to see so many of you each morning this week for discipleship week, yesterday many of you helped out in our community at st. lukes community drop-in centre. maxine mentioned that you guys helped save them about two weeks labor in the kitchen and the outside clean up happens only once every few months, so thanks for your willingness to serve and be visible in the community, you set a great example for the church.

see you guys tomorrow!

Monday, August 13, 2007

yf/h2o coffeehouse planning this weekend

due to the various YF members involved in day camp and to allow the flexibility of coffeehouse planning and attending the VBS graduation, we have opened this week's YF for extra coffeehouse planning instead of the ex this weekend.

the coffeehouse is quickly approaching and is already less than two weeks away. h2o is also freeing up this week's program in order to give the group leaders the flexibility to meet with their groups this weekend to finalize some details. group leaders, please contact your members about plans for this weekend (meetings, shopping, practices etc.) if you desire to meet at church, please let me know so the church will be available during that time. group members if you have not heard from your leaders by thursday, please feel free to message them (i trust that you should all know your leaders by now ;).

discipleship week is next week!
august 20-24th 9:30am - 12:00pm
this week's theme is "living in the world" we will focus mainly on desiring to live like He intended, in this world but not consumed by it. careful attention will be devoted to Scripture and how to live according to His commands in one of the hardest places (in north america) to be a Christian: high school. each year discipleship week has been a great time to reflect and discuss the issues that you have been / will face each day in high school and how to keep Christ central in your lives. we are praying that each of you will treat this seriously, faithfully attending each morning, coming to serve in our community and completing the homework activities each day.

please continue to pray for coffeehouse and discipleship week.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

YF gathering at josh and shelly's this Friday and Discipleship Week details

thanks for continuing our study of hebrews with us last friday! apparently the room got quite a bit musky after cramming 30 of us in there, i didn't notice the gradual temperature increase hehe. anyways here is the picture from last week's Bible study.

so this week will be the gathering that we missed last week. same address but a different room in the apartment, the floor is now the basement. here is the address again just in case: [directions], feel free to come around 7pm once again and bring refreshments (drinks, snacks), games / jeff's gamecube and your friends! see you guys at our place this friday!

also, keep in mind that discipleship week is fast approaching and will be really great! the theme is "living in the world" i seriously think high school is the most difficult place (in north america) to be a Christian. we'll talk about the issues you face everyday along with what non-Christians think of Christians, focus on His Word and how to be an example in school. its every morning from august 20 - 24.

there is also a serving opportunity in peterborough over the labor day weekend at a county fair. if enough of you are interested we can plan a roadtrip and serve at the fair, some brothers and sisters share the gospel at the fair through Bible stories and other creative ways, they need some CEF helpers and youth/young adults to help as puppeteers, face painters, minglers and various other areas, if you are interested at all, please let me know as soon as possible!

update (thursday) there is also a clean-up party for 118 empress ave. on saturday morning 9:30am so if you are available to help, it would help so much for VBS / day camp next week! "Plan to get dirty, so don't wear your Sunday best. Bring your rubber gloves, bucket, mop, vacuum, sponges, etc and LET'S GET CLEANING. Let's make it a clean and safe environment for our children." please let sue ho know as soon as possible if you are available.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

YF Bible study this Friday

thanks for everyone who is involved in the coffeehouse planning, we already have over 30 people committed to helping plan the event! please start working with your group leaders, they should be contacting you soon with a rough timeline and invite your friends! august 24th, also keep in mind that discipleship week is every morning august 20th - 24th as well.

unfortunately the room that we were planning to use this friday was booked and no one responded about opening their home, so we will switch with next week's YF program and gather at our place next week. this week, we will be continuing our study of hebrews. we focused on Jesus being superior and making sure to heed warnings last week, this week we will focus on different themes in the following two chapters. please bring your Bibles and shelly and i will see you friday!