YF gym night this friday night
this week will be our first gym night of the season. h2o fellowship will be joining us and other brothers and sisters from our church have been invited to participate. we will have access to a double gym, so come prepared for volleyball, basketball and badminton. feel free to invite friends, the more the better! it will be at st. joseph high school [
website and
directions] from 8:30pm to 10:00pm. please arrive around 8:15pm so we can make full use of the time ;). if you don't have a ride, try to car pool with someone nearby or please e-mail me as soon as possible and we will see if we can make some arrangements.
also, i've received some YF fall retreat forms already, please fill out your form and return them to me as soon as possible (friday or sunday) because we still have to arrange transportation and food for everyone! the
form can be downloaded on the website if you didn't receive it at the Bible study. also, if you are willing to help out with food and go shopping with shelly, please let us know! see you this friday!
YF Bible study this Friday
it's been really encouraging to see so many of you during sunday school and at YF, this friday we will be continuing our study of hebrews (getting to another central theme and what i consider to be the heart of hebrews). please bring your Bibles and feel free to read chapters 7 and 8 in advance. hope you all are having a fantastic week and see you on friday!
the next friday (28th) will be a gym night at st. joseph's high school, feel free to invite your friends in advance, the gym night will also be with brothers and sisters in other fellowships as well ;) baptismal class will be at 6pm this friday (before YF) feel free to attend if you have been considering baptism as the next step in your faith. don't forget to e-mail me the videos and pictures from amazing race if you haven't already!
yf fall retreat forms are coming very soon! as mentioned earlier, october 19-21 are the dates for this year's retreat at a new site. this year's theme is "living in community" please plan ahead and pray for this retreat! may He bless you, see you on friday!
YF this week and Amazing Race results
thanks for the over 30 who made for an amazing race last saturday!! congratulations to edmond's team with alex, natasha, yuka, ningke, jenny and phil who came first by just a few minutes over winston's team. i'll post the pictures from the teams i have here on the website, two of the teams haven't submitted the photos or videos yet. someone should make a ccco yf youtube account so we can put these encouragement and ice cream videos up ;)
now that the fall has started, we have started our YF sunday school classes again. it was overwhelming on sunday to see so many of you come on early sunday morning to join us.
this friday, we will be continuing our study on hebrews, please bring your Bibles (if you don't have one, let me know and we will see how we can fix that permanently ;) i encourage you to read the first four chapters of hebrews just so you can remember the themes and where we left off last time.
baptismal class will be this friday at 6pm (before yf), a couple of you who are looking to be baptized are attending, but it's open to anyone who is interested, please message or call me.
shelly and/or i would still love to meet up with you! many of you have taken us up on the offer and we want to meet with as many of you as possible! so let us know so we can know how to best pray for you and encourage you as to how you can serve as well!
remember to plan ahead as our fall retreat is scheduled for october 19-21st, the forms will come out as soon as a couple of us in the C&Y can check out the site, but i've heard some good things about it. our theme will be "living in community"
blessings and looking forward to seeing you all this friday!
Amazing Race details for Saturday
its getting closer to start time - the YF kickoff, currently confirming all the people, places and tasks for the fourth installment of amazing race!
details for the amazing race 4saturday morning 10:15am is when you NEED to be here, if you arrive late you might not be able to join a team because everyone will be constantly moving (i promise you that) remember to bring the following:
friends (the more teams and people, the better)
bus pass or a day pass (
oc transpo website on daypasses) everyone needs a day pass for the oc transpo
cell phone (everyone bring it - the more the better) at least one per team
digital camera (very necessary, if you have one please bring it and preferably with
video capabilities)
5) each team member can bring a couple of extra dollars for the race (if necessary and just in case).
if you have extra batteries, bring them as well because you don't want to have to stop to get new ones during the race. before the race: please fill out
this form, for those who have e-mailed about bringing friends please forward these to them.
last year the quickest team finished just 50 minutes ahead of the last team taking an average of 6 hours to complete the race, lots of changes between first and last during the race ;)
further rules will be given right before the race, but be here on time, see you at the race! ;)
YF amazing race next weekend (september 8)
hey everyone,
already in the process of setting up for the YF kickoff amazing race next weekend. the race will begin shortly before lunch and end around supper time. as usual, we will have supper together after the race. please remember to invite your friends from the coffeehouse and others to the YF fall kick off event next saturday!
also keep in mind that our YF fall retreat is coming up (october 19-21), registration forms will be made available once the deposit is confirmed sometime in the next two weeks. feel free to invite your friends to the retreat as well, it will be a new and different experience than previous retreats ;) see you guys soon! start inviting and preparing for the race! ;)