YF change: Free Hillsong United concert this Friday!

Wardrer, Michael, Eric, his friend Euan, Luke, Shelly and I just got back from the Hillsong worship this evening and it turned out to be Hillsong United! The Hillsong band is from Australia and was scheduled to play in another city in a couple of days but those plans fell through. So they announced they are staying in Ottawa for a couple of days and will host a free worship concert this Friday night (they specifically said during youth group time) 7:30pm until 9:30pm!!! Hillsong United doesn't come to Ottawa often at all (actually I don't remember them ever coming) so this is a great chance to see them free (an offering will take place, but admission is free).
The city church is not far from CCCO:
link to directions to city church155 Carillon Street
Vanier, ON K1L 5X9
(613) 740-0607
Please come around 7pm as it will likely fill up around then, plus it would make it easier for your parents to drop you off there and proceed to AWANA at church at 7:30pm if need be. It'll work out for your parents to pick you up from the concert at the end time because it's after AWANA's time too. Please pass these directions to your parents!
This is as advance notice as possible because everyone at the worship just found out an hour ago too :)
God bless you and see you Friday!
thanks for participating in our Bible study and discussion last week and sunday school as well. please reflect on our talk last friday (on self-value and identity), what does God have planned for YOU? and also our 'hardball' Bible study in Job 13 on sunday, what difficult situation could you be praying for right now and be active as a part of that prayer? also sue, shelly and i are preparing for the C&Y gathering this saturday, so reply to this e-mail if you are coming because we are preparing the food ourselves. please be considerate, reply and try to make it because we want to show you appreciation :) also rsvp to the Gala invitations for the same reason: food prep and decorations prep.

this friday we plan to play "BIGGER or better!" please be at church (or more accurately - 118) absolutely no later than 7:30pm, or plan for 7:00-7:15pm so you'll get here at 7:30pm.
it's a game where one of the five adult leaders will accompany your team to go outside trade a paperclip up to the biggest or best item to win! it's always a lot of fun because one group ends up with a washing machine or something. some basic rules so we don't have to explain each one on friday:
1. Time limit: each group has to be back at the youth room by 8:50-9:00pm at the latest
2. Make at least 5 trades ie) paperclip for a ruler, ruler for a picture frame, picture frame for a stuffed animal, stuffed animal for a chair, chair for a bigger chair, big chair for a sofa, sofa for a... "uh oh, how are we going to get this sofa back?"
3. No relatives houses
4. Have to bring the item back to church (if it is something that cannot be thrown out easily, then you must figure out if you can take it home)
maybe you can get more cushions for the youth room! :)
bring your friends (more hands the better!) and warm clothes for the outside! if you haven't filled out the
year waiver form, please bring that back too (one-time thing)
looking forward to seeing you this Friday!! we also have our helpers appreciation night on saturday and job for sunday school.
YF Bible study and discussion this Friday
first of all, what a packed weekend we just had together! the iron chef weekend was a great time to enjoy the talent of the congregation :) special thanks goes to winston, mark and jojo for choreographing the dances for us and to all of you for being brave enough to show your dance moves off, well done everyone :). winston's youtube channel has all the practice vids and the real thing:
youtube.com/user/Winstizzle you will also have received an invitation to this year's Christmas gala! if not, you'll get one this friday!

please bring your Bibles this friday as we will be looking into our self-identity and value. many of us spend a lot of our lives desiring to be accepted, we are concerned about what others think about us, how they see us, what we look like. of course, this is different for each one of us but what does God think of us? who does God desire us to be and how does that affect our lives? bring your Bibles and friends as well! also please RSVP to the Christmas gala invitations (back instructions) and bring back the C&Y appreciation night back as well. join us on sunday mornings to as we continue to work through the book of Job, we'll be looking through chapter 13 this sunday. Blessings
see you friday!
YF this Friday and Saturday
this friday, we'll continue our prep for the iron chef which is the day after! (this saturday!!!) so hopefully those of you with GPS's can bring them on saturday for our amazing race and iron chef starting at 4pm sharp on saturday. if you haven't already signed the year waiver (attached) please do so and return it before saturday (just one form for the whole year aside from retreats!) thanks for jojo, winston and mark in helping us come up with the two dances! thanks to corey too for creating this instrumental with the lyrical melody so we know where we are in the dance! we may want to wear matching clothes for guys and girls too, we'll update you on that.
we have to submit the number with uncle roger about saturday's iron chef (for preparation) so like i said in sunday school, for those that participated on friday and sunday, unless you told me you are not coming, i'll let uncle roger know you plan to be there!
join us for sunday school as we continue to study through the book of Job where we will look at chapter 9 and see the difference between an intellectual faith and a personal one. also for the hillsong concert, it is on the 26th, the conference is on the 25th, but i think most of you will probably be more interested in the concert on the 26th. please let me know as soon as possible so we can book the group discount, or you can book yourself individually (from the number in the e-mail) so you can guarantee a ticket.
hit me back too if you want to get together for tim hortons or something during the week!
see you friday, saturday and sunday :)
YF cookoff and dance preparations this Friday
first of all, thanks for helping out with fall fest on friday! i've seen some funny pictures and costumes worn by all :) it was also fun to share sunday school with many of you, please continue joining us for our sunday school study of the book of Job.

this friday, we will begin our preparation for the amazing race / cookoff / so you think you can dance that is coming up the next saturday (15th, 4pm - 9pm). there is an amazing race with GPS's to get ingredients and there will be a dance-off as well. we will be joining forces with our h2o brothers and sisters and may be able to form two teams together. winston and mark have agreed to choreograph a dance for us and steph and the hip-hop h2o girls will prepare another for us to practice and plan for the contest this friday! please join us, as they have put a lot of preparation in planning for our team! it'll be a good chance for us to have lots of fun together and prepare for the blast that will come when everyone gathers for the saturday event!
shelly and i also have been really appreciative of all of you lately! i want to express sincere thanks to all of you, for the love you have shown for God, each other and shelly and i. we meant to do share it in person to you after service on sunday, but many of you left. it means so much to us to see some of you serve as leaders, grow in your faith and participate in YF. you all have so much potential and show amazing maturity for your age and never let anyone tell you otherwise! we love you guys, pray for you and really appreciate your honesty and want to know each of you more! so remember you can always e-mail us, have lunch with us or tea etc. we are here to share life with you boys and girls! let us know how you are doing! much love!
see you friday!