YF Love and Relationships talk pt.2 this Friday
I hope your exams are going well, this is a tough stretch for some of you guys (except the Gatineau'ers). We've got some special stuff planned for the weekend.
This Friday (29th), YF will be continuing our 'Love and Relationships' series. The second part of our series where we will be gathered in mixed gender groups this week to interact with one another. We will be discussing reasons to (and NOT to) date, developing Christ-like character and more... As the adult leaders discuss these topics (including input from Brent and Christy), we discover there is SO MUCH to talk about!
PART OF THIS SESSION is the continuation of where we left off last time regarding the role playing. So girls and guys, be aware of your previous discussion about your roleplaying skits... the other gender will have a chance to 'interrupt' you as well. I know the girls remember their 3 scenarios, so guys - step up :) Also
bring your Bibles as we continue to explore a Scriptural and healthy approach to love, relationships and God.
For Sunday School (31st), as a continuation of our essential theology series, we are going to discuss questions. I have invited Kenneth from the h2o group to interact with us regarding a question a YF'er wrote about reconciling faith with evolution. The last class we studied passages of Scripture and learned the significance of God's names like Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah Rapha etc. Kenneth has a background in science and is really excited about the discussion for Sunday school. I encourage you to submit questions on issues you have wrestled with, our desire as a church is to provide an environment where you feel free to ask.
Things to keep in mind as we move ahead:
- Joint Praise and Prayer night at EACO on January 30th.
- Engage your World, Training days from February 1st - 5th, Events taking place the whole week of February 22-26th.
- Quest video is coming up to, we want you to be familiar and aware of some questions.
- February 13th (sat) Gracious Light is hosting a family day at our church.
- Some preliminary coffeehouse planning sessions are likely in the weeks ahead as there will be some transitioning to parenthood in the next couple of months, so get some ideas in case some of these events don't go as scheduled because adult leaders are rushing to the hospital for labor.
Let us know if you have prayer requests or want to meet up!
See you all on Friday!
YF (22nd) is now at church
I've called the City of Ottawa a few times the past couple of days and all the hills have been closed until further notice and the staff did not seem optimistic about tomorrow night. the public service announcement is below. So since this was a combined event with Pure Energy where we encouraged people to invite friends, we are now watching "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" tomorrow night on the projection screen at the church. So normal YF time tomorrow 7:30pm - 9:30/10. So if you've invited friends to come, you can still invite them to the movie night. I'm sorry about the Tobogganing being canceled but our church needs to follow safety regulations in place by the city. Feel free to bring snacks and drinks for the night tomorrow.
"PSA: City’s approved sledding hills closed
Ottawa - The City of Ottawa has temporarily closed its 50 approved sledding hills due to changing weather conditions, which has resulted in unsafe conditions for sledding. The City urges the public to keep personal safety in mind and remain off the sledding hills until further notice. The hills will only be re-opened after conditions are deemed safe.
and I was reading from the website."
Things to keep in mind as we move ahead:
- February 13th (sat) Gracious Light is hosting a family day at our church, we require 3-4 youth to volunteer for this event, please let me know if you are available.
YF Tobogganing this Friday (at Carlington Park) (22nd)
Hope everyone is having a good week so far!
Thanks for the great start to our 'Love and Relationships' series last Friday. I'm glad that there was much discussion and honest questions. This talk will build in and fit with the next discussion where you all can act out the roleplaying scenarios as well - I'm looking forward to those :)
This Friday (22nd) we will be meeting at 937 Clyde Avenue (click address for directions) for a Tobogganing night from 7:20pm – 9:15pm. BRING Toboggans, Magic Carpets, other snow sliding vehicles etc. Bring your filled out forms as well, they are attached. This is a central location and an approved winter hill by the City of Ottawa http://www.ottawa.ca/residents/parks_recreation/seasonal/fw/toboganning/sledding_hills_en.html . We rarely do events outside of the church, so this is a good opportunity to take advantage of the winter season and do something fun together.
Things to keep in mind as we move ahead:
- We are continuing our love and relationships talks in the weeks ahead
- Joint Praise and Prayer night at EACO on January 30th.
- Engage your World, Training days from February 1st - 5th, Events taking place the whole week of February 22-26th.
- Quest video is coming up to, we want you to be familiar and aware of some questions.
- February 13th (sat) Gracious Light is hosting a family day at our church.
- Some preliminary coffeehouse planning sessions are likely in the weeks ahead as there will be some transitioning to parenthood in the next couple of months, so get some ideas in case some of these events don't go as scheduled because adult leaders are rushing to the hospital for labor.
Please pray for one another and your leaders, let us know how we can be praying for you too.
See you Friday!
YF Love/Relationships Discussion (Opposite Genders) this Friday (15th)
Thanks for participating in our study of Romans 9 through 11 last Friday, it was a difficult (and long) passage but we were able to interact in groups allowing more of you to have a voice and for you to teach us. I really enjoyed how the themes came out and how you thoughtfully communicated them to us in a group effort. Faith determines whether or not we are children of God, not our lineage or culture or upbringing. These passages were difficult to understand so please read them over again as we continue to work through Romans.
This Friday (15th) we will be having one of our discussions in our annual series of Love, sex and relationships at the church (upstairs sanctuary). At the leadership retreat, we discussed this idea and agreed that it would be a valuable experience to ask questions and listen to the perspective of married adults of the opposite gender. This week we will be splitting the gender groups to gain perspective from the opposite genders. Our talk this week will focus more on the relationship aspect, where guys can ask Shelly and Rae-Anne questions that they wonder about girls and girls can ask questions they've wondered about guys. As adults, we commit to answer your questions in a way that honors Christ, respects your question and hope to provide an honest perspective based on our experiences with friends and family as well. Bring your Bibles and pens and come prepared with some questions that you've always wanted to ask or are curious about regarding the other gender. This is a cool opportunity which I've never even heard of before so please come prepared with questions. Our desire is that church becomes an environment where you feel safe to ask honest questions and share, a place where you don't feel a fear of judgment over the questions you ask. If you feel a question may be uncomfortable/inappropriate at a group level, feel free to ask a same gender adult after our discussion (or anytime).
Next Friday is our Tobogganing night (22nd), Here is our consent form for the year and for this particular event. Please fill out both (returning them this week) as this is a "more active" outdoor activity :) Everyone who has a toboggan, please bring those along with GT's, magic carpets, pretty much everything you can slide down a hill with. Invite those friends you've been praying for as well, not to mention getting the word out about Engage. Feb 22-26th, evening rally on the 26th at the Met - all details on the website http://www.engagenow.ca/. Training nights from Feb 1-5th are already posted throughout the church, will be in the bulletin insert this week and be announced again at YF this week, it would be edifying for you to attend one of these evenings. Make it an evening where you can get together with each other!
Let us know how we can be praying for you or if you would like to meet with us!
See you all on Friday!
YF Bible study this Friday in Romans (8th)
Thanks for making leadership retreat even better than I had expected it to be. Please remember the main things that were emphasized throughout the retreat. We studied Acts 3,4 and focused on the real needs of those around us and spent the afternoon dreaming about what God can do in YF this year. Thanks for all your input, keep praying about the people you made commitments to and for YF as a whole. Don't hesitate to consistently send new ideas as you have them throughout the year. I've attached a spiritual gifts inventory that we recommend that you complete, even if you've already done this - it doesn't hurt to check the consistency of your answers year to year. Luke, please send the minutes out as soon as you are able.
This Friday (8th), we will continue our Bible study in Romans. We will be continuing after where we left off in our last study of 7 and 8 where Paul speaks about living by the Holy Spirit and being more than conquerors in Christ. Please bring your Bibles and four color pens. Sunday School also resumes this Sunday and we will continue our series on essential theology.
6 schools have 100% confirmed their speakers for Engage in February with 5 more schools strongly considering at the moment. Some schools even booked two assemblies. Schools are still confirming up to this moment which leads to believe that there is still time to ask principals if you have not already.
Let us know how we can pray for you and if you'd like to meet up sometime,