Tuesday, March 30, 2010

YF No Other Name this Friday (April 2) at Sacred Heart

This Friday (April 2) is Good Friday which we will gather for No Other Name (at Sacred Heart Catholic High School). Good Friday is all about Jesus and what He did for us on the cross. Jesus asked us to remember that. God never gets tired of hearing us say how thankful we are for what Jesus did that day. Directions to Sacred Heart 5870 Abbott Street, Stittsville, ON, I would suggest you call other YF'ers to arrange for car pooling that day. Bring $36 to NoN, cheques payable to "No Other Name"

Doors open at 11:00am, I would suggest getting there by 11:30am because the sessions start at 12 noon. I've e-mailed you the names that I've registered so far, please add your name ASAP if you'd like to come :) for more details check out: http://noothername.net

YF GETAWAY forms due this Sunday (4th)!! cheques $110 payable to "Ottawa Chinese Youth Ministerium" or "OCYM"

Thanks for the great discussion from Romans chapter 14 last week, in disputable matters we must continually challenge ourselves and be open to conviction from the Holy Spirit. We should not be judging others based on disputable matters and possibly hinder God's work in the individual. Romans 14:13-23 principles to look over again as we learn to live as Christ's church. We had a good time of planning on Sunday as we reminded ourselves of the purpose of coffeehouse and it's encouraging to see the planning and detail that you are going through to reach your friends. May 29th seems like the consensus date.

TIME: 12:00 to 9:15 pm
LOCATION:Sacred Heart Catholic High School
5870 Abbott Street, Stittsville, ON

11:30 - Doors Open
12:00 - Session 1 (HS) - Workshops (JH)
2:00 - Dodge Ball Plus
3:00 - Session 1 (JH) - Workshops (HS)
5:00 - Concert and Supper
6:30 - Dodge Ball Plus Championship
7:00 - Session 2
8:30 - Communion
9:15 - End

See you all Friday at Sacred Heart!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

YF Bible study this Friday (26th)

Hope you have all had an awesome March break!! It was good to see lots of you over the break, whether through Getaway practices, meetings, coffee or on the Friday night at our place! :) So far no complaints from our neighbors so we'll have to have you over more often! The next one can be more of an open house ;)

This Friday (26th) we will be continuing our study in the book of Romans
, we've been discussing major themes of faith like justification, sanctification by the Holy Spirit and life as living sacrifices and Christian civil duty. Each study throughout Romans we are learning important staples of our faith as well as practical application for our daily lives. We will be continuing in the fourteenth chapter of Romans "The Weak and the Strong" Please bring your Bibles, pens and and open heart.

Remember to invite those friends you've committed to praying for (from Engage, gym night etc.) to Getaway and NoN.
I've e-mailed you the Ouje Mission trip application form again and the Getaway registration form.
Ouje is due THIS Sunday, March 28th (will take some time to complete, please don't wait until the last minute)
Getaway application is due on Sunday, April 4th (only takes minutes to fill)

For No Other Name, let me know ASAP if you want to attend NoN (Pure Energy is invited too). Fee is $36, meal included and some proceeds go to donation to the mission trip that is selected at the event.

In Sunday school (28th), as promised we will have some time to discuss in our coffeehouse committee groups. Of course you don't have to wait for a designated time to start planning, if you have not already done so, please get the ball rolling in your committees via e-mail/facebook/meeting up etc. Please come prepared with an agenda for your committee group whether it be decorations, music, food, media/av, program etc.

Let us know how we can be praying for you!
see you on Friday!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

YF at Josh and Shelly's this Friday (19th)

Happy March Break! I see that some of you are keeping busy during the week with Getaway details/practices, meeting up together etc. :)

This Friday, most C&Y programs (AWANA, PE) are off for the March break, but you are invited to our place this Friday night (19th) for YF from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. It will be an informal time for games and fellowship. You can bring your snacks, wiimotes, Brawl disc, boardgames.... you can plan in your groups for coffeehouse... you can talk to one another or the adult leaders, pray together... It's up to you, our home is open for you :) Feel free to invite your friends as well. Our address is in your e-mail.

In Sunday school (21st), we will be looking into Scripture and exploring what it means when we say that God is our Father, this is our last class in our Essential Theology series. Please bring your Bibles, pens and open hearts.

I've attached (in your e-mail) the Ouje Mission trip application form again and the Getaway registration form.
Ouje is due on Sunday, March 28th (will take some time to complete, please don't wait until the last minute)
Getaway application is due on Sunday, April 4th (only takes minutes to fill)

For No Other Name, I have the following people registered so far: Luke, Eric P, Andy, Neva, Jocelyn, Michael, Eric Y, Hillary, Wardrer, Jeff, Ernie, Lena, Helen, Allan, Jessica, Laura. Add your name ASAP if you want to attend NoN (Pure Energy is invited too). Fee is $36, meal included and some proceeds go to donation to the mission trip that is selected at the event.

Let us know if you want to set up a time to meet up to pray and catch up.
See you Friday!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

YF Gym Night this Friday (12th)

Thanks for an active and well participated Bible study in Romans chapter 13. There was a lot of discussion in each group and it was good to see all the wheels were turning as we discussed our civil duties as Christians. We are called, as believers to submit to authority until that submission directly violates following Christ. Paul's overarching principle is that we are to clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ. In Sunday school we were able to learn more about the kingdom of God. It's a term we hear about often, but have not necessarily explored much. We learned about how Christ said the kingdom was already in our midst, but it is also coming and approached through spiritual understanding and doing the will of God.

This Friday, we are having a church-wide gym night at St. Patrick High School (2525 Alta Vista Dr, K1V7T3) from 7pm - 10pm. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and have active games within our church community. Pure Energy, YF, h2o and adults from the congregation will all be there!!! We still need equipment, so if you have badminton rackets/birdies, basketballs and volleyballs please bring those as we are provided with 3 gyms and nets. This is a perfect opportunity to follow up with your friends from Engage and invite them to an informal night of activity. No Other Name (April 2) is also a great opportunity to invite as well as the Getaway (April 16-18)!

GETAWAY meeting this Sunday at 1pm - 2:30pm (Lunch is provided), only students who desire to serve as student leaders (worship, devos, games/activities, promo/reg) need to attend.

I've also attached the application form for the Ouje trip and have set the deadline for applying at March 28th, that is 3 Sundays from now, please continue praying for the trip. Finishing this application on time/in advance does help indicate what sort of priority you place on being a part of this trip. After the applications are in, the C&Y core team will discuss the applications and then make a decision on the mission team as soon as we can in order to start the preparation for the trip.

If you are interested in baptism this Easter, you must apply before this Sunday, March 14th. If you are a believer in Christ and have not yet been baptized, please prayerfully consider this step of faith as it is an act of obedience that follows faith in Christ.

No Other Name, I'll be putting in the registration on March 14th, so add your name if you desire to come

Let us know how we can be praying for you or if you want to catch up over tea/coffee/lunch. :)

See you on Friday!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

YF Bible study this Friday (5th) and lots of info!

I am still really joyful about the whole last week (for a million reasons!) But I was really, really encouraged by your prayers, your courage and tenacity over the past few weeks/months about Engage. It showed that you wanted to make a difference in your schools and cared enough for your friends. These events help plant the seed in their hearts and you were a part of the whole process. We even had some friends and students come to know the Lord on Friday in our own groups! So praise the Lord for the fruit over the months of preparation. Your effort could not have gone into anything more worthwhile than God's kingdom! I pray that this event has helped you in your growth and burden for those the Lord has surrounded you with.

This Friday (9th), we will be continuing our Bible study in the book of Romans, we've already covered major themes like justification by faith, sanctification by the Holy Spirit and living a Spirit filled life as worship. We are continuing with more practical application in our daily lives as Christians and what does that look like at school, home, church and the world. Please bring your Bibles and continue praying for your friends. In Sunday school, we are continuing our study in Essential Theology, we will shift our focus from God's mysterious will to your place in God's kingdom.

March 12th is a good opportunity (just NEXT WEEK) to follow up with your friend and invite them to the GYM NIGHT at St. Patrick High school from 7-10pm.
No Other Name (April 2nd), 9 of you have registered so far, let me know ASAP so I can register our whole group. For more information: http://noothername.net/

The Getaway Ball is beginning to roll and needs student helpers to get on board for our April 16-18th retreat. 3 out of every 4 years, we launch the Getaway with other Chinese churches in the area. We have three student run teams to help plan/organize the retreat: Promo/registration (who helps design promo, nag students to return the form to their pastor, places people in small groups/rooms etc.) Games/activities (helps organize games, buys supplies, prizes etc.) and the Worship team who leads us in worship each session of the retreat. We still need help in each area... IF YOU desire to be on the worship team, you must be in Ottawa for March break as we will have 3 practices during that week.

Also for the Coffeehouse (May 21), category leaders don't need to wait to start contacting your team (via e-mail/facebook threads or whatever) to get some coffeehouse prelim planning ready. Much of decorations/food/music/program can already be discussed over e-mails and we can schedule some upcoming Sunday schools to help pull together some details. I would really recommend starting as soon as possible for those in charge of your respective groups.

Continue to prayerfully consider applying for the Ouje-Bougoumou trip, I'll send out Ouje applications in next weeks e-mail. BAPTISMS coming up for April 4th, please let me know if you would like to proclaim your faith in Christ through baptism before March 14th. It's been in the announcements for a couple of weeks already as well.

Let us know how we can be praying for you, or if you want to meet up to talk/pray!
see you Friday!