Mike Fisher event at Lifecentre this Friday (30th)
Thanks for your participation and involvement with the Bible study in Jonah last Friday, we discover that (just like Jonah) we can hear God, know Him, pray to God and even obey God but still lose God's perspective and His heart for people (which is incredibly essential to our faith). We asked if there was a Nineveh in our life (Israelites despised Nineveh because they were Assyrians), and to assess if we were participating in God's adventure in our own lives or if we had become a spectator like Jonah (waiting for someone else to do it).
This Friday, Mike Fisher of the Ottawa Senators will be sharing his testimony at the Lifecentre this Friday (30th) (directions to the Lifecentre) and Hearts in Stereo will be playing as well. I know many of you have heard about this on the radio or from friends and are already planning to attend with friends. Please use this opportunity to invite friends who may be curious to hear from Mike Fisher as he'll be sharing how Christ defines his life. “I am very fortunate to be able to make a living playing hockey, but I have come to realize that playing in the NHL is only a small part of who I am, and not the part that defines me. Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is what I believe truly defines a person and how we find eternal significance.” There is no formal gathering at CCCO this Friday so we encourage you to join this event and bring anyone whom you may know who would be interested in hearing Mike. The event is FREE (donations given to Rogers House) and doors open at 6pm. Shell and I will be there as well.
Please pray for me if you can remember as I am preaching this Sunday. Also, remember that Discipleship week is coming up in August (16th-20th) 9am - 12noon each morning. We'll have times of teaching and community service as well as a service day at the Mission on the 25th.
Let us know how you are doing and how we can be praying for you/family.
See you Friday
Bible study on Jonah (Minor prophets) this Friday (23rd)
Thanks for joining us for last Friday's activities at our house, it was great to get to know some of you a bit more and play Wii, Taboo, Guillotine and everything. Not even a crumb was left of snacks, it was quite the sight :) We also had the privilege of witnessing our brother Wardrer proclaim his faith through baptism at the church picnic, may we continue encouraging one another as a family! It's been a great summer so far with the Ouje trip, sardines, games and all the great weather. I was meeting with Salem's manager this morning to thank him for all the Bibles he donates for the Cree youth and he was excited to hear about Cree youth being introduced to Christ and beginning a relationship with Him. Hope your summer school is going well along with all the traveling your family may do as well :)
This Friday (23rd), we will be continuing our Bible study in the Minor prophets with the book of Jonah. We'll be looking deeper into a book that all of us are familiar with but we'll see that we all have much to learn from the lessons God taught Jonah regarding the state of his heart. If it's a nice day out, we hope to have the Bible study in the backyard of 118 but let's all meet in the youth room at 7:30pm. Please bring your Bibles and an open heart to hearing what God has to say to us. We'll also have a time of refreshments and fellowship afterwards.
Remember that Discipleship week is coming up on August 16th-20th every morning from 9am-12noon. We will be learning more about the Holy Spirit and how the Spirit desires to transform our life and what that means for us each and everyday. We'll be looking into Scripture and have various serving opportunities during the week so please make that time a priority and schedule it in your calendar and off of work. Also, August 25th we also have a serving opportunity again to serve the Ottawa Mission. Please continue to pray for your friends as Youth Alpha approaches in September (24th). This Sunday auntie Salina will be holding an information session on the Fall children's program called TOGETHER from 11-12noon, she is looking for youth volunteers to give back to children so make sure to let her know if you are willing to serve!
Once again, feel free to set up times to meet up to hang out/chat/pray, let us know what's been going on in your life and what we can pray for!
See you all on Friday!
YF Devotion/gathering at Josh and Shell's this Friday (16th)
We just got back in from California today, it was an incredible trip (the twenty hour round trip to Oregon was tough with two babies in the van but more than worth it to see a good friend get married). I'm also (extremely) happy to be alive after an almost deadly mishap when hiking with my friend Jon - the Lord used it to add to our perspective in life... all in all it's been a great 8 days! Although we had no sleep for awhile as the baby wasn't fond of the airplane, airport, car transfers. Hope everyone had a lot of fun with Sardines, sundaes and sharing last week with Rae-Anne and Brad, we definitely thought of you!
This Friday (16th), I wanted to share a brief devotion from Scripture (and my heart) at Josh and Shell's for YF! We noticed that we haven't opened our home for YF since March and it's due time! Feel free to come earlier, you can even bring your own dinner if you just wanted to hang out, feel free to come as early as 5pm - it's always nice to have a longer time to chat/pray/catch up with one another. If you are coming after dinner, feel free to come at 7pm. We can have a quick devotion time and brief sharing about what's coming up (Discipleship week, Alpha plans, maybe your ideas for summer events to welcome friends etc) then we'll open it up to games and hanging out. All the Jenga, Rockband, Brawl, Guillotine, For Sale or as YF girls often do - hang out with Eli and Levi). You can bring your snacks, wiimotes, Brawl disc, boardgames, friends etc.
On Saturday (17th) is our annual church picnic, so please join your family (or invite your families) to the church picnic. This year, we'll have the privilege of witnessing our brother (and buddy) Wardrer proclaim his faith in Christ as he has decided to be baptized! So make sure you join us in encouraging Wardrer and continuing to walk with him in his relationship with Christ as we grow together as a family.
Coming up:
July 17th Church picnic and baptisms
August 16th - 20th YF Discipleship Week
August 25th - Helping out at the Ottawa Mission
September 24th YF Alpha begins (10 weeks)
Drop us a line about how your past couple of weeks have been and if you want to meet up for some lunch, coffee or something like that. It'll be on us, so "Mo hat hey" or "Tai ke chi bu hao" for the mandoes.
See you all on Friday!