YF Basic: Holy Spirit Bible study and discussion this Friday (3rd)
Thanks for a great discussion in Sunday School regarding Samuel and living with your ears open. Some have coffee with the Creator while others just unplug their ipods on their daily bus rides, whatever the case - do your best to incline your ears to hear what the Lord is trying to say to you. We are so used to asking and requesting things from God but don't often stick around to hear what He has to say. Like that 'friend' that does all the talking making you feel unimportant in the relationship. Continue in your daily reading of Scripture, if you don't have a plan -
I have one for you! Remember to congratulate and pray for the beautiful new couple (Andrew and Karen!) as they embark on a new life together. I was at the wedding rehearsal on Friday but I heard that gym night was fun for all who participated.
This Friday (3rd), we will continue our discussion series in BASIC with 'Holy Spirit'. This is a series we started way back in January but this is only the third installment because of our packed schedule. The last two Bible studies and discussions in this series have been awesome times of interaction with 'Fear God' and 'Follow Jesus'.
In 'Holy Spirit' we'll discuss some pretty heavy questions like what is the chuch? Is it broken? Can it be different? If all we had was the Bible as our guide and we were to read it and then start a church, what would it look like? So take a break from your exam studies and please bring your Bibles, writing utensils and a willingness to participate and be changed.
This Sunday (5th), we will be continuing our journey through the Old Testament with a study of sin and how seriously God takes it. We'll be diving into the book of Joshua to get an idea of how sin opposes who God is and what our response to it needs to be.
Our Ouje team had another meeting on Sunday and we still need a lot of participation in regards to the submission of recipes,
please remind your parents to submit a recipe for Ouje (or two - main course/dessert) if they have time.
I'll also be speaking during the English service this Sunday, so please keep me in your prayers. Let us know how we can be praying for you guys and if you'd like to catch up!
See you all on Friday!
June 17th C&Y Worker appreciation night
July 15th YF Waterfight (location still to be confirmed - volunteer your backyard! If you don't live in the water ban that is)
July 22nd Special guest sharing
August 15-19 YF Discipleship week 9:30am - 12pm each day
YF Gym Night this Friday (27th) CH followup
What a weekend! It was such a joy to witness how you all worked together for the same purpose of displaying God's glory. Our sister Salina wanted me to pass this encouragement to you, please read it in full because I couldn't have said it better myself.
Dear YFers,
Well done! Good job! ....... Did you hear God been repeating that to you on Friday evening?
I wasn't at the coffee house on Friday. But Manson shared of his joy when he came home after the coffee house, Pastor Francis shared the excitement with the Cantonese congregation this morning; Pastor Josh shared with the C&Y core team this amazing evening in the C&Y meeting this afternoon.
I certainly felt overwhelmed hearing all these. God works in amazing ways all the time in you and through you.
In preparing for this evening program, I know many of you served in the front stage, and yet still many of you served quietly behind the scenes. And together you all served Jesus in joy and to the glory of God.
Remember, the little things you do.... the sacrifices you make..... may not always be noticed by others -- but God sees every one of them and smiles.
Thank you all and Praise God for your love to Jesus.
Well Done! Good Job!!Praise the Lord for this weekend, all the preparation in the various ways, prayer, decorations, sound, powerpoint, tech, food, games, apple skit, mc, overall program, prizes, leaders, setting/cleaning up, music, testimony etc. As auntie Salina said, many details may not always be noticed by others but the Lord knows your heart and the desire you had to bring glory to Him through the coffeehouse. From your sharing, your friends had a great experience and some were profoundly impacted while others had many questions. Please use these weeks of followup to continue the discussion (about the songs, skits, videos, testimony) with your friends at school or wherever you hang out. The greatest encouragement to me is the fruit in your individual lives, the fact that your faith expresses itself through love for those around you. That's the vision of our youth min that students would be transformed by Christ and develop a passionate faith that is rooted in Scripture; so they would dynamically shape the people and culture around them.
This Friday (27th), will be GYM NIGHT at St. Patrick High school along with other brothers and sisters from the church! This gym is absolutely fantastic and HUGE with nets/equipment for basketball, floor hockey, volleyball, badminton etc. so bring your friends. We’ll meet at St. Patrick High School (Google directions provided: 2525 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, K1V 7T3). Please arrive at 7:15-30pm (or earlier if you need to change) and we have the gym booked from 7:30pm until 10pm. Please bring appropriate clothing and footwear (no boots). The consent form is attached. If you need a ride to and from church let me know ASAP otherwise meet at the gym.
This Sunday (29th) we will be entering into Samuel's story from 1 Samuel during Sunday school. Through reading Scripture and understanding what it must have been like for this amazing guy who anointed both king Saul and David in the OT, we should learn to live with our ears wide open.
Following Sunday school, our
Ouje mission team will have a meeting to pray and plan from 12:30pm - 2:00pm (max), please bring your own lunch. You've received details about this in a separate e-mail. We haven't received much participation in regards to b/sisters submitting recipes so remember to hound your parents for them :) and their cell groups!
Continue to pray for friends, each other and us adult leaders :)
Let us know if you would like to meet up or how we can be praying for you.
Until Friday,
Upcoming (mark your calendars):
June 10th YF Relay for Life
June 17th C&Y Worker appreciation night
July 15th YF Waterfight (location still to be confirmed - volunteer your backyard! If you don't live in the water ban that is)
July 22nd Special guest sharing
August 15-19 YF Discipleship week 9:30am - 12pm each day
YF 'Despicable Me' Coffeehouse this weekend (20th, 21st)
Many brothers and sisters are praying for you guys and that the Lord would be glorified through the coffeehouse! It was great to spend time in dedicated prayer on Sunday, please make it your priority to pray for coffeehouse this week! Remember what was shared at Sunday school through the miracles and testimonies of all the men+women in Scripture. We serve a God who is bigger than we could ever realize, pray for your friends and that all your preparation and labor would be for His glory this weekend!
This Friday (20th), will be the final day of praying, preparation and dress rehearsal for the 'Despicable me' coffeehouse. This Saturday (21st) will be the Coffeehouse, please arrange within your teams what time everyone needs to arrive early on Saturday. The YF coffeehouse exists to welcome your friends, being ambassadors of Christ and learning to work together with respect for one another. Please ensure that everything that is needed (props, dress, decorations, instruments, powerpoint, skits, files on USB etc.) will be arranged for Friday night so we can have a full dress rehearsal for Saturday and go through the flow of coffeehouse. The basement sanctuary is booked for YF to use for music, practice or skits, Rm. 202 will be available earlier (if you would like additional time to prepare) as well.
The followup to our coffeehouse will be Gym night on the following Friday evening (27th).
This Sunday (22nd), our journey through the Old Testament will resume as we will resume in more detail the experiences of Elijah in 1 Kings. Next Sunday (29th) we will continue our study in the book of Joshua.
Pray for your friends, each other and ministries (coffeehouse, ouje etc).
See you all on Friday and Saturday!
YF Coffeehouse prayer/prep/practice this Friday (13th)
Last weekend, the Ouje team gathered to pray and do some preliminary planning for the trip. We are working out the messages, devotions, worship, games, crafts and transportation. We ask that regardless of whether you are part of the mission team or not, please join us in prayer for the Cree youth. We have a lot of work to do as we anticipate what the Lord will do in Ouje this summer! Thanks for all the prayer and dedication you've invested into the coffeehouse, last Friday we had several groups working at various aspects of the program. Learn to treat one another with grace and patience as we work towards the same purpose.
This Friday (13th), we will continue praying, preparation and practice for the coffeehouse. We will only be 1 week away from the coffeehouse! The YF coffeehouse exists to welcome your friends, being ambassadors of Christ and learning to work together with respect for one another. Make sure that everyone involved will be here, with all materials ready to practice/prepare. The basement sanctuary is booked for YF to use for music, practice or skits, Rm. 202 will be available earlier (if you would like additional time to prepare) as well.
This Sunday (15th), our journey through the Old Testament will resume as we discuss some miracles from the life of Elijah in 1 Kings. Please bring your Bibles and a willingness to renew your mind and be challenged by the Spirit. This series has been fun trying to engage ourselves in the characters of the Old Testament.
Here is a free download of 'Abide in Christ' by Andrew Murray (part of the church's reading campaign for May). It's a weighty read that is meant to supplement your daily Scripture reading. If you have not started reading you can begin on day 10.
Fire us an e-mail to set up a meeting time!
See you all on Friday!
YF Coffeehouse prayer/prep/practice this Friday (6th) Ouje meeting/Abide in Christ
I really appreciated the sharing and fellowship last Friday as we discussed following Christ. The first thing the Lord invited the disciples to do was to follow Him and the last thing He said was to make more followers of Christ and to usher more people to live under the authority of God and to be like Him... may that be your desire as you interact with your sphere of influence each day. The life that Jesus calls you to live is one that is filled with blessing and privilege - the things that He says to walk away from are things that were going to destroy us anyways. Some of the verses we discussed: 1 Tim 6:6-10; Mk 10:21; Rev 6:15-17; Mt 7:13-14; Mt 7:21. In Sunday school we continued our journey in the OT and took a careful look at the wisdom from the book of Proverbs, we saw that Scripture clearly spells out consequences to our actions but warns us to be alert and wise. We also encouraged you to ask your parents or a trusted adults some questions about their mistakes as a youth and what godly advice they can give you about how to avoid those mistakes.
This Friday (6th), we will begin praying, preparation and practice for the coffeehouse.
Please keep in mind the purpose of the event - welcoming your friends, being ambassadors of Christ and learning to work together with respect for one another. By this Friday the event will only be 2 weeks away! We've secured 3 rolls of newsprint for decorations team to work on (hoping to get 3 more this week). The basement sanctuary is booked for YF to use for music, practice or skits, Rm. 202 will be available earlier (if you would like additional time to prepare) as well.
If you are leading a committee - please ensure that all involved will be there and ready to practice/prepare. Our aim for the evening is to confirm the program and run through a rough draft of the flow of the evening. Each committee, please commit to prayer individually and together on Friday. Maria has offered to prepare invitations on a request basis, please let her know! Our brothers and sisters in the Good Morning CCCO group have made other arrangements for the 21st morning to allow for YF to decorate, many thanks to them for their thoughtfulness.
The Ouje mission team will be meeting at 6:00pm this Friday (6th) prior to YF. Commitment is required for meetings leading up to Ouje, so please bring your own dinner and prayerfully consider how the Lord desires to work through you for this important trip. I've talked with a couple of our h2o students who also love Ouje and they will be joining us this Friday for our Ouje meeting as well. It's key to ensure that your exam schedules are rearranged (if need be) as soon as possible!
Some of you have expressed interest in taking part of the
church's reading campaign on 'Abide in Christ'. A
free download of 'Abide in Christ' by Andrew Murray can be found here. As I've mentioned before, this is not to be read like a novel, but daily reflection accompanied by Scripture reading. Andrew Murray's prayer "
I pray earnestly that our gracious Lord may be pleased to bless this little book, to help those who seek to know Him fully. I pray still more earnestly that He would, by whatever means, make the multitudes of His dear children who are still living divided lives see how He claims them wholly for Himself, and how the wholehearted surrender to Him alone brings unspeakable joy and glory." You can read 2 days today to catch up so that May 3rd you will be reading day 3.
As usual, drop us an e-mail to let us know how we can be praying for you or if you would like to catch up over lunch/bbtea etc.
See you all on Friday!