YF Spiritual Warfare and 'Furious Love' this Friday (24th)
Thanks for your honest sharing, appreciation and time of prayer last Friday. It was refreshing to hear from children & youth volunteers and the next generation about how we can be a faithful church. Thanks for joining our devotional sharing, time of thanksgiving, games and prayer. Please encourage all who have helped you grow in your walk with Christ and do the same for others. Our mission team had a sincere time of prayer on Sunday and please join us in prayer, if you are not physically joining us - sister Salina is organizing a prayer and fasting chain throughout the week.
This Friday (24th) we will be watching a documentary entitled 'Furious Love,' this film was strongly endorsed to me and I can see why. It depicts the reality of the spiritual war that we are born in to and the effects of unconditional love. This film has been watched by a few brothers and sisters who have all shared the profound impact on their lives and took away a greater awareness of the spiritual battle and how we have to love as Christ did. The film deals with some mature issues and you are free to leave at any time. We will have an alternate activity for those who are not comfortable with the film.
The film's distribution does ask for a love offering to be taken (more details from the website and an excerpt: "please understand that this decision is not in the least way motivated by greed. Movies cost a lot of money to make, and filmmakers need revenue to make more movies that you want to see."
They suggest a $5 donation.
This Sunday (26th) our mission team will be leaving for Ouje until July 2nd. Please be in prayer for the Spirit to be sovereign over the community, those attending the camp, the preparations etc. Our young people led Bible studies on Sunday as part of their devotion sharing for the trip. Pray for the messages, Bible studies, crafts, worship, travel, games, testimonies that will be shared and all the relationships to be built. This Wednesday (22nd) we will be praying for the Ouje trip and you are all invited to join us if you are able!
Sunday school will continue (26th) with our Old Testament journey focusing on the book of Daniel, what can we learn about how Daniel took a stand and stood out for the Lord, Pure Energy will join you in Rm. 202. Broskie Winston will be leading you guys.
If you have been
prayerfully considering baptism, let me know as soon as possible. Remember to book your calendars for
August 15th - 19th Discipleship Week 9:30am - 12 noon each day. As we do each year, we will have a few community service opportunities lined up as well as a comprehensive look into Biblical manhood and womanhood. How we can grow as godly men and women of faith.
As mentioned before, please be in prayer for each other, the trip and let us know how we can be praying for you or if you would like to meet up.
See you all on Friday!
YF + C&Y Worker appreciation night this Friday (17th)
Thanks for all those who participated in the gospel skit, A/V tech, and service for the 'indoor' worship service on Sunday. The Lord ministered to me throughout the service and spoke through the worship, skit, everyone who served behind the scenes, preparation, sharing and the fellowship lunch outdoors. Thanks for participating in the Relay for Life last Friday, uncle Eric mentioned that a significant amount was raised this year through fundraising and the snacks! It was a good time of fellowship with meaningful conversations and prayer. On Sunday, we shared about the wonderful answer to prayer that unfolded before all who were present. What a privilege we have to be the body of Christ and support one another as a family. Please continue to pray for Pastor Cal and his family during this difficult time with his family.
This Friday (17th), please join us in the Lord's Garden (at 118) to honor our C&Y volunteers for an appreciation night. Please arrive slightly earlier than usual (7:00pm). Our appreciation night will begin with supper for the children and youth volunteers earlier in the evening. Take a break from your exam studies to join us for a fellowship time of games, sharing/encouragement and food. In attendance will be some of the uncles and aunties who have ministered to you since you were in children's programs like FKC :) This will be a great time for YF to have fun with these loving brothers/sisters who have invested into children and youth ministry, to discover how important they see this ministry and enjoy the outdoors. C&Y ministry could not run as it does without the loving support of amazing adult volunteers!
This Sunday (19th), we will be encouraged by the devotions that YF peers have prepared for the upcoming mission trip. They have prepared Bible studies that they will share at Ouje.
Following Sunday school (19th) there will be a Ouje team meeting for prayer and updates, also the recipe book is looking to be finalized ASAP, nag for those recipes one last time :) Vehicles/drivers/adults are confirmed/booked, Bibles have been donated, praying and fasting chain will set up, messages and recipe book are coming along nicely, we need to be faithful in the remaining preparations for crafts, games, prizes, worship, devos etc.
If you would like to be baptized at our annual summer picnic, let me know as soon as possible Remember to book your calendars for
August 15th - 19th Discipleship Week. As we do each year, we will have a few community service opportunities lined up as well as a comprehensive look into Biblical manhood and womanhood. How we can grow as godly men and women of faith.
Let us know how we can be praying for you guys and if you'd like to catch up!
See you all on Friday!
YF Relay for Life this Friday (10th)
Thanks for making the time from your exam studies to look into Scripture and discuss the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. We asked some challenging questions on Friday. Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to transform our lives and our church? Are you quenching the Spirit's work in your life? This is what God wants for us, the Holy Spirit wants to lead us. He wants to lead us into something deeper, but do we believe it? I've seen the Spirit do supernatural work in your lives, continue to allow the Spirit to change aspects of your life that you could not on your own. May your life display God's glory as it has during Ouje trips, outreach events, your life at school etc. It's been an awesome weekend, I met with many of Jr. High parents and they have expressed deep desire to raise a new generation of passionate believers. We continued our journey in James during English service and focused on how seriously God takes sin in Sunday school through the example of Achan.
This Friday (10th), we encourage you to make it a priority to take a break from exams and join us in fellowship at the Relay for Life at the Nepean Sportsplex field. Each year we reserve this evening for church families to participate in the Relay for Life. Cancer has had an impact on all of us, some of us have lost loved ones or been through a difficult time where a family member, by God's grace; was able to fight cancer. Whatever the case,
please join us for the evening at 7:00pm and leave at whatever time is convenient for you (uncle Eric suggests after the candle ceremony at 10pm) some people often stay overnight. The closet OCTranspo Park and Rides are at Woodroffe/Baseline and the other at Woodroffe/Fallowfield. It's no cost for the event, your presence will show your support. Please bring your running shoes, clothing in preparation of the weather (colder in the evening), frisbees, footballs, baseball gloves etc. It is a very recreational time, where you can gather together for the fight against cancer as well as having a lot of time for meaningful talks, fun and fellowship.
Message from Jeff regarding fundraising and directions:If you are hungry, bring some money because uncle Eric will be selling snacks and beverages to help fundraise more for cancer. All proceeds will go toward Relay for Life so it's a good opportunity for those who couldn't donate (or want to donate more) to pitch in some loose change. If you can bring some toonies along, anything helps!
There is massive construction at the intersection of Woodroffe and Hunt Club. If your parents plan on driving you to the event, please tell them to avoid going down Hunt Club because you cannot turn left or right onto woodroffe (which means you have to take a massive detour). They can instead, take the 417 and get off a Woodroffe Avenue. Then go all the way down that street and get to the Sportsplex without trouble. It will save much heart ache.
This Sunday (12th) is our English Outdoor Worship in the Lord's Garden, there will be a barbeque/picnic time following the service so there is no Sunday school this Sunday, make use of this time to deepen relationships and get to know each other.
Please remind your parents to submit a recipe for Ouje (or two - main course/dessert). It's been at least 4 weeks of collecting recipes and we have not received nearly as many as anticipated.
Let us know how we can be praying for you guys and if you'd like to catch up!
See you all on Friday!
June 17th C&Y Worker appreciation night
June 26th - July 2nd YF Ouje Mission Trip
July 15th YF Waterfight (location still to be confirmed - volunteer your backyard! If you don't live in the water ban that is)
July 22nd Special guest sharing
August 15-19 YF Discipleship week 9:30am - 12pm each day