No YF this Friday (30th), Enjoy Christmas season with family!
Thanks for a meaningful weekend to celebrate Christ! We were able to witness 7 brothers and sisters (including 4 YF and 1 YF alumni!) get baptized on Sunday as well as put together meaningful gifts for the clients of St. Luke's Lunch Club on Friday. If you would like to help distribute the gifts, feel free to come to church tomorrow (28th) at 11:30am to 12:30 to distribute them from church to St. Luke's. It's not an official YF event so make sure with your parents if you are able to come :) No YF this Friday (30th), enjoy Friday night with your family! Remember Leadership Retreat will be from January 6th to the 7th at our place, the registration form is included as well as details and has a portion for each participant to sign (not just the parents). I've attached the form as advanced notice :)
Grace and Peace to you this Christmas season!
YF Christmas Gift Preparation (23rd) this Friday and Short Practice
Thanks for a great weekend! Eugenia really opened up her heart sharing her testimony on Friday along with Maria and Rachel who led a meaningful Bible study in a powerful passage from Philippians. Then on Sunday the Holy Spirit was really present in our Sunday School. My heart was heavy and then so many of you took promptings from the Spirit to open up. A lot was shared in that space and we prayed and each of you committed to praying for what was shared in that room. A reminder to keep all of that information in trust. The Spirit is really working in our fellowship and teaching us to listen each day. We had a good 14 of us attend the Getaway meeting at OCAC as well, if you weren't able to make the meeting but would like to serve on worship, promo/reg, or small groups/rec let me know! "I have seen You in the sanctuary and beheld Your power and glory. Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You." Ps 63:2-3
This Friday (23rd) we'll have the special opportunity to prepare gifts and cards (w/ AWANA and Pure Energy) and be a blessing in our community. For the past few weeks we've been collecting many fun items on a wishlist and a couple of us will pick up more items this week! On Friday, we will separate these gifts and prepare cards in preparation of delivering them on the morning of the 28th.
Please bring as many gift bags or gift boxes as possible and any crafts/stickers you may have that can help decorate the cards. We'll also have a short practice for a lighthearted Christmas presentation that we'll have on the 25th with AWANA and Pure Energy. For those who have entered the secret gift exchange, please bring your gift as well. There will be refreshments for all of us as well.This Sunday (25th) will be Christmas day! Jesus, Lord at thy birth... it'll be a morning of worship where we can also witness several young people in YF identify themselves in the death and resurrection of Christ. Encourage these brothers and sisters as they will commit to allowing the Spirit to work in their lives and follow Christ. It is a 10:00am service and there will be no Sunday School
Leadership Retreat will be from January 6th to the 7th at our place, the registration form is in your e-mail as well as details and has a portion for each participant to sign (not just the parents).
Remember there are so many needs to pray for this Christmas season, pray for those who come to mind.
Let us know how we can be praying for you throughout the week as well, if you would like to meet, please help us set a concrete date :)
See you all on Friday!
Merry Christmas!
YF Student Bible Study this Friday (16th) Getaway meeting (18th 1-3pm)
He must become greater, I must become less... John 3:30 Very convicted from Luke 12:47-48 (12:35-53 for context) this morning, read if you made it this far in the e-mail.
This Friday (16th), we have the privilege of looking into Philippians 3:12-21 facilitated by Eugenia, Rachel and Maria. It's significant to note that a sister feels a special burden to lead this passage this week. As we see God transforming our peers and what He is doing in their lives, my prayer is that God increases our faith as He uses these three to teach us. You all have a voice: We want to encourage everyone in YF to share stories of how God is working in your life and consider facilitating a Bible study. Please bring your Bibles and a desire to participate and be changed. Next week (23rd) we will be getting together with the children from AWANA and junior high in Pure Energy to put together our Christmas gifts for the community!
This Sunday (18th) there are a couple of things going on. We'll have our GETAWAY 2012 launch meeting at OCAC from 1pm to 3pm. Lunch will be provided. Getaway is a student dreamed/fueled event. Our desire is to equip and empower youth to discern the theme, lead the worship, promo/registration, activities, small groups and games! Please commit to taking part in this planning meeting!
We'll also continue our study in the book of Proverbs.Leadership Retreat will be from January 6th to the 7th, the registration form is included in the e-mail as well as details and has a portion for each participant to sign (not just the parents).
Our Christmas initiative has been going well, but still require donations on the list to prepare the gifts! Please contribute any amounts of the following: Toothbrushes, floss, towels, deodorant, socks, kleenex, cough drops, candies, key chains, toilet paper, candy canes, notebooks, pens, travel mugs, etc. There is a display of boxes on the second floor which we will pack and write encouragements on the 23rd of December.
Drop a quick e-mail to update us on how we can be praying for you and if you'd like to set up a time to meet.
See you on Friday!
YF Bible Study this Friday (9th)
I've heard a lot of great things about the girls night, I was told that the volume was a constant fever pitch loudness and lots of laughter was had! The guys were well fed and had some pretty hilarious endurance tests and some had complained of physical pain in the aftermath.... all in all, good times :) It was encouraging to have our second monthly intergenerational gathering at Sunday school. We had a time to pray/share what was happening in our lives in our groups and hopefully a time to get to know each other. One challenge that struck a chord in our group was "without faith it is impossible to please God" and asking ourselves how faith is being cultivated in our lives or if God was calling us to something that required faith in His promises.
This Friday (9th), we will be continuing our study in Philippians at church. Last time, Wardrer shared his testimony while Aaron and Marcus facilitated our discussion on Philippians 2:1-11. It was pretty awesome to see our own youth teaching and the active participation of the group! This week (9th) we will look at the other half of chapter 2 and next week (16th) Maria, Rachel and Eugenia will be sharing with us! Please bring your Bibles and a willingness to learn and be continually changed as a result.
This Sunday (11th), we will continue our Wisdom series in the book of Proverbs. Keep praying for those who are preparing for baptism this Christmas, the classes have been going underway and wrapping up soon.
Christmas initiative has been going well, but still require a lot of donations on the list to prepare the gifts! Please contribute any amounts of the following: Toothbrushes, floss, towels, deodorant, socks, kleenex, cough drops, candies, key chains, toilet paper, candy canes, notebooks, pens, travel mugs, etc. There is a display of boxes on the second floor which we will pack and write encouragements on the 23rd of December :)
Let us know what's been going on and if you'd like to set up a time to meet.
See you on Friday!