special awana presentation
last friday was alot of fun, i think we had more than the 25 people we had the first time! thanks for the attention at sunday school too, we've been having a large number of you each week so far as we study colossians together and it's been encouraging to have a couple of minutes at the end to pray for each other each week. also want to praise Him for our newcomers this year and for bringing val back to us safely from japan!
as you heard in the announcements, we will be having a special awana presentation this friday, come to the presentation to learn what awana is all about! dave will be our special guest speaker and will introduce the awana ministry to our church, they seek to assist churches in reaching children and youth with the gospel message. we will be joined by the h2o fellowship, pure energy and the adults, please come this friday with an open heart and open ears as we hear about the heartbeat of this ministry, feel free to invite your parents too. for more information on the awana ministry, feel free to visit their website at
awana.org. blessings, and see you all on friday!
Gathering at our place
hey everyone, thanks for even more of you showing up early sunday morning to look through colossians together. last week for yf we continued to look into the book of James, with the new yf sunday school in place we have had three Bible studies in a row and i thought it would be nice to take a break and have fun together at our apartment this friday. last time we crammed 25 of you guys into our small apartment, we are looking forward to fitting more this time so invite your friends! ;) please arrive between 6:50-7:30pm, you've been here a few times now (amazing race included) but here is the
address and directions again. feel free to bring snacks (we have a microwave now... and it works!) and board games that a big group can participate in (taboo, cranium) we have a few already. if you have friends you would like to invite, please feel free to! can't wait to see you all on friday! grace and peace.
YF Bible study this Friday
hey everyone! its been really sweet to see all of you again! thanks for everyone who showed up for YF and YF's new sunday school class, it begins at 9:30am before worship on sunday morning. we had began studying colossians and took some time at the end for you to pray for one another (that was a blessing to be a part of). anyways this friday we will continue the Bible study we started on december 8th on the book of james, it will be the regular time at the regular place... look forward to seeing you all on friday! ;)
pastor shawn, pastor dave and i (along with the student leaders) have already started meeting for the getaway
march 16-18th (which is the last weekend of march break), please begin to plan for the getaway (whether you are a student leader or attending), if you are interested in helping out on the worship team (whether as leader or musician) just let me know as soon as possible.
blessings on your week!
gym night this friday
hey everyone!! thanks for all the e-mails while we were away on our honeymoon! shelly and i really appreciated them! fred has already e-mailed you guys about the gym night this friday. but here it is again: this friday (jan 12th) 8:00pm-11:00pm at 125 University Street, Monpetit Hall, University of Ottawa (the same place as last time)
[detailed map] and there is free street parking east of king edward, or on laurier near the second cup. i will be leaving church around 7:15pm on bus, but feel free to go directly to the gym and for those being picked up, feel free to leave anytime before 11pm (whenever your ride comes)
swimming is open until 9pm, 2 badminton courts will be available and 8-9:30 for volleyball and 9:30 - 11pm will be full court basketball. this is all free so bring your friends!
that picture is the newest ride at disney world "expedition everest" and was our favorite of all 4 parks, we rode it eight times. ;) we are excited to see you all again tomorrow!