YF Winterlude this Friday! (CANCELED)
[CANCELED: had a couple of calls and e-mails warning about the snow storm tomorrow, we feel that it would be safer to cancel the C&Y programs tomorrow evening for your safety along with your families driving. we feel that it would be better if you stayed home tomorrow night. see you at sunday school!thanks to all of you for coming last week, many of you sacrificed time during exam time to be challenged from His Word. thanks to ivhan and the 3 other youth who came to share with us on friday. you will always be blessed when Christ is your highest priority. i know a couple of you have shown interest in the CYIA program this summer (as val, natty and jermy went last year). more information can be found on their
website. or talk to me about it!
this friday is the opening of winterlude and since it's only open a couple of weeks, we have our other weekends planned already so this friday is YF's annual trip to the world's largest skating rink together! we will be meeting at manson's house on 182 McGillivray St. at 6:45pm - 7:00pm [
detailed map] and go skating at 7:15pm - 9:00pm. pick up time will be from 9:15-9:30pm at manson's house, all the info is in this
winterlude form, so dust off your skates, invite your friends and bundle up! it's entirely free unless you (like most people) want to buy a beavertail or hot chocolate etc, then you may need to bring some spare change. see you all at manson's then the canal on friday!
CEF Speaker this Friday
hope the exam week has treated you well so far. thanks again for the study of acts last friday, let's be encouraged from the passage to be thankful, pray for areas of our lives that need healing and the boldness to be a witness like the apostles. the hot chocolate was a welcome change too ;)
this week we have the privilege of hearing from
christian youth in action's ivhan rusli. i'm sure you've all heard from natasha, valerie and jeremy's awesome summers last year at CEF. ivhan will be sharing a short message with us (which will particularly be related to what we have been learning in acts), you will hear from other students and testimonies as well. i highly encourage you to come hear from him, i know 3 of our very own were highly impacted and changed from this opportunity! see you friday at church!
also in regards to this sunday, pastor cal has shared about the vision sharing meeting after church, it should only go until 1:30pm or so, many of your parents will be attending, so if you are willing to help look after the children over the course of this time, please e-mail me right away. i will probably get in contact with a few of you as well. those of you serving in getaway leadership will hear from pastor shawn, pastor dave or i depending on which group you are in (for details/meetings etc.)
send me a quick e-mail anyways to let me know how you are doing!
have a blessed week and see you friday!
YF Bible study this Friday
just wanted to thank you all for such a great start last friday to our Bible studies in acts. a lot of you were involved in the discussion too, there was lots of learning that night and hope it will continue. same in sunday school! also thanks for everyone's willingness to serve on the getaway leadership team as well!
this friday, we will continue looking at the book of Acts, please bring your Bibles and pens and paper too! i know its lots to remember each week so it would help if you took notes, even on key verses. it's encouraging to see all the acts of His disciples and how amazing it is to lead a life of service. Some of us knew very little of the Spirit, so it was good to discuss it last week too.
We briefly talked about exercising our gifts to serve the church last weekend, pastor cal mentioned the english ministry vision sharing on january 27th following service. many of your parents will be there and the mandarin parents will likely stay behind for their own meeting that day. pastor cal asked that since many of you will be staying behind could you help look after some of the children for an hour or so that afternoon. please let pastor cal or i know about it too!
a couple of you have expressed interest in the todays teens conference in Toronto in february 16, transportation will be free if you want to come (shelly and i will take you there)! mission fest will be in toronto from march 6-8th, (the week before getaway) if you have been thinking or praying about short term or long term missions please don't hesitate to talk to me or auntie blossom. your stay and transportation will be arranged!
see you this friday!
YF this Saturday at Josh and Shelly's (and Leadership Retreat)
it was great to see many of you all dressed up last night. it may have been the first time in awhile ;) many people put a lot of work into last night, steph and chung co-ordinated the evening and made those beautiful invitations and tracy with help from a crew did those beautiful decorations. emily with the slideshows, many people spent a lot of time preparing food etc. please thank them when you get the chance, please make it a note to serve and help at all chances. i expect to see lots of facebook pictures of the beautiful Gala coming up very soon!
since the school holidays are coming to a close, shelly and i would like to invite you all to come to our apartment this saturday afternoon for YF. this would allow us some more freedom in volume (during the day time) ;) feel free to bring your games, game devices (jeff) and most importantly friends and
join us this saturday (5th)! arrive around 1:30pm on saturday and picked up around 4:30pm [
directions]. we will start a new book for YF Bible study the following friday. this week (beginning tomorrow)
we will have a small group for a
YF leadership retreat 2nd-3rd, if you are interested, e-mail me or phone asap to get more details. it starts tomorrow (2nd) at 2pm at pastor cal's home and goes until 2pm the following day (3rd). there is also the
annual student leadership getaway meeting this week at 1:30pm following church on sunday
(6th). there is a lot of stuff going on for YF this week!! see some of you throughout the week and all of you on saturday!