YF room this Friday (Cheung's place, Discipleship Week)
it's been an awesome packed weekend! first, lots of people were really encouraged by the 3 and a half hour sharing on friday night!! the adults have been enthusiastic and excited about the trip and hopefully some of you are also praying about going next year as well. then saturday morning, 10 more of you helped with the room renovations, soccer in the afternoon and caleb and neva's testimonies at sunday outdoor worship! i know lots of you are hanging out with each other during the summer as well! keep it up!

this friday we hope to continue moving forward on the room that we've been blessed with. some families are already discussing some possible donations to the room! please continue serving with us to make this room as great as possible. uncle roger will once again be working tirelessly with us! most of the hardest parts are done already but it still needs to be dry-walled, floored, painted etc. please come a little earlier (7-7:15pm) again if possible. you may want to bring older clothes to wear just in case. if you have painting idea's let me know ;)
the goal is to have the room done and painted by discipleship week (which is august 18th-22nd! also please commit to everyday of discipleship week, we will be focusing on how God has called you to transform your life and make a difference at school and in the world. i'm really liking planning it out and working on it! it'll be a great time together of learning and service! next week (august 9th) we will have YF at the cheung's place with a special guest (Brent from Ouje), it will be a day retreat where we will be able to eat, play (wii, music, games), talk with one another! please continue to make the most out of your summer days, if you are going away for the long weekend, have a blessed time with family!
see you this friday!
Ouje Sharing this Friday
it was an awesome weekend! thanks for all your help in the second stage of our room renovations last friday... i know it got stuffy and hard to breathe with the masks on, but your willing attitude and service never goes unnoticed and unrewarded! the best part of the weekend was seeing neva and caleb getting baptized at the church picnic! it's always encouraging to see you all take steps in your faith. please keep praying and encouraging neva and caleb and each other!

this friday, the church is invited to join us in YF as we will hear from everyone from the ouje-bougoumou mission trip! hear from jeff, michael, eric, natty, val, jen and neva as they share about God's faithfulness, the friendships and experience in northern quebec. it was an amazing trip, one that none of us will ever forget! we are already praying about this trip as a possibility again next summer so i'd like to encourage you to start praying about it and seeing if you would want to be a part of God's work in ouje next summer! bring your parents and families with you to YF this friday too ;)
a few of you have already mentioned your willingness to help on the room this week (jer, neva, fiona, winston, natty, jeff). uncle roger suggested saturday morning (before the soccer tournament). if more of you are able to help this saturday, let me know ASAP. we hope to be putting up the dry wall on saturday! this sunday is outdoor worship too, please remind your parents to sign-up on the sheets (if they are not going to join us). see you all this friday!
Youth room renovations this Friday
last week was really fun! some of you helped move furniture out of the youth room, others joined in the games room (which got really crowded and hot!). on saturday, some of you took the time to work hard on the renovation of the room while others attended the VBS training. thanks for all your faithful service to our church!
this friday, we plan to continue working on the space that church has blessed us with. we all saw the importance for this room, please continue serving with us to make this room possible! lots of work has already been put into it (as you can see from the pictures). please come a little earlier (7-7:15pm) so we begin the transformation. you may want to bring some older clothes to wear just in case.

this saturday is our church picnic, which is always awesome because there are also baptisms! (including some very dear people of ours!) so make sure to come out! next week we will have neva, jeff, natty, val, eric, michael and jen share with us about the trip in ouje! please remind your parents to sign you up for outdoor worship on july 27th as well! it's never to early to mark your calendar for discipleship week (august 18-22)!
see you this friday!
YF games and gathering at church this Friday (and YF room)

hey everyone!! summer is pretty awesome, i'm sure you are enjoying the time off from school but like every summer, many of you are also still in school: doh! to give you guys a break, this friday we will have a games night. a night where we can just play some games, whether card games, board games or even the wii, we plan to bring our wii and mario kart, sports and brawl. so if you have extra controllers please bring them as well. so please invite your friends to play and for those who will take a break from games, please help clearing space for the youth room!
during YF we can also help clear the space for the youth room in 118!! some of you have already committed to helping on saturday as well (from 10am into the afternoon), even some h2o people will help as well! there is a lot of work that needs to be done which will need a lot of help from you all and h2o students as well. every saturday may be a good time to help out with our youth room, please commit to helping our vision come true! so start reserving your old couches, tv's, furniture etc ;)
also if you are interested in helping out with VBS, please contact auntie sue. i know some of you are already registered to help but there is still need for more helpers. please commit to discipleship week every morning from august 18-22nd as it will be a great week (hopefully spent in the new youth room!)
see you all this friday (and hopefully saturday too)!
YF Bible study this Friday

hey all! hopefully you've had a chance to talk to me or someone on the mission team the last couple of days... i'm pretty sure some of us are still tired from the experience but it was a great, great trip and perhaps something you can already begin praying about potentially being a part of something like that next summer.
this is just a team picture of us, you will see pictures of brent, the Cree youth and the other adult helpers during the sharing time in church within the next few weeks (or on facebook). thank you very much for praying for us!!! i know that you gathered with h2o to fellowship and pray for us, it meant a lot and we knew that the team was not alone on this trip!
for this friday, please gather for a time of fellowship and looking into His Word. we will continue our look into acts, so please bring your Bibles and your full attention ;) i also want to briefly look into the possibilities of the youth room and share with you what i hope happens in it. God bless each one of you! really, you guys are such a blessing to shelly and i, your families, each other and the whole church. look forward to seeing you guys this friday!