YF Coffeehouse Prep/Prayer Friday (28th) and Saturday (29th)
Coffeehouse is only 4 days away! The list of prayer names is in your e-mail. free to add... it looks like your friends are responding well from what I've heard from many of you so Praise God!! Remember what we learned about from Amos as well, this coffeehouse needs to be done for God's glory with our purpose to be clear the entire time. Pray that God's love would be communicated throughout the event, through testimonies, skits, music and through your friendships. Thanks for all the committees working together, your service does not go unnoticed - our Lord knows what sacrifices you have all made and I pray that it's for His glory.
Please let me know if you would like me to book church time (outside of or before YF time). If you have purchased decor or food for coffeehouse and would like to be reimbursed from the budget - remember to keep all receipts.
Decor: Maria has requested vases/jars and Christmas lights (we have NO vases or jars yet) (Shelly and I can bring a few of all the above but we need a lot more) shared that balloons need to be blown up (80ish). Saturday, we need as many people as possible for various prep and decor.
Skits: Jocelyn and team have been working hard on the videos and skits, IF you are part of the skits, commit to showing up as much practice needs to be done for memorization.
Games: Kim has requested girls to bring heels for the games
Music: Just practice really, Michael sent out a reminder to have a brief intro to your song (how it fits to the theme of trying something new)
Food: Maggie has sent out a detailed list of food items that are NEEDED, please refer to that
Overall: Eric has e-mailed out an encouragement to pray for/invite your friends Friday's rehearsals and prep
"Pray for the people that come, that they themselves would be ready to hear what God has to say... If you can do nothing else this week, then pray. If this coffeehouse is without God, then all of this preparations was a waste of our time. Don't make it a waste. PRAY... Keep up with devos, Bible reading, and prayer, and let God change you so you can be used by Him."
FOR Ouje, I've sent out an e-mail regarding what I have planned for messages and for prep for the fundraiser this Sunday, lots of things to pray for all of us.
If there are prayer requests or you want to meet up, let us know!
See you all on Friday!
YF Coffeehouse Prep/Prayer this Friday (21st) and Minor Prophets (23rd)
It was refreshing to learn more from the book of Hosea on Sunday. How God pursues us even when we are unfaithful as Israel and Gomer were. It's incredible and it's impossible to fully understand how deep that love is. It was neat to see all the groups working together on Friday, we had a large group helping with decorations, groups doing music with one another, skit planning and practice etc. Under the next paragraph is a list that was made during Sunday school, please add your friends names if you did not attend Sunday school.
This Friday (21st), we'll continue our prep/practice/prayer for coffeehouse which is LESS THAN 2 weeks away!, Please let me know if you would like me to book church time (outside of or before YF time). From normal YF time: 7:30pm onwards we have access of the basement sanctuary (for the practice, prep etc). Perhaps, this time we can try to make it through a run-through. I still have some beautiful invitations that Maria has prepared, so use them as she has dedicated a lot of time into making them for you. Remember to pray for each other!
I've included a list of almost 60 of your friends in your e-mail.
This Sunday (23rd), we'll plan to continue our studies in the Minor Prophets: Joel.
If there are prayer requests or you want to meet up, let us know! Will be seeing a few of you different times during the week too!
See you all on Friday!
YF Coffeehouse Prep and Prayer this Friday (14th)
I'm excited that we have started our Bible studies in the minor prophets. We read from Jesus' encounter with the men on their way to Emmaus, how Jesus enters into our conversations/daily life. We need to be God-conscious in all we do and we talked about how understanding the prophets, their lives and ministries will help our growth through a deeper knowledge of Christ and His people.
This Friday (14th), we'll be preparing/practicing for the coffeehouse at the end of the month (29th), we will only be two weeks away from the coffeehouse, so please help in your various committees by practicing this Friday. I've booked the upstairs sanctuary for 6pm until YF for any music that needs to be practiced and Room 202 from 6pm for any skit preparation. From normal YF time: 7:30pm onwards we have access of the basement sanctuary (for the practice, prep etc). We will want to go through a rough draft of the entire program by evening's end.
Maria has put together beautiful invitations, so please get invitations from her to give to your friends at school. Take as many as you need, but please use them all as she has dedicated a lot of time/work into making them Similar to the Engage your World prayer list, we'll form one for the Coffeehouse as well, so we can pray together for one another!This Sunday (16th), we'll plan to continue our studies in the Minor Prophets. It will be difficult to finish this series by the time Alpha starts in September so let's use every opportunity available.
We'll be covering the book of Hosea and looking through the major themes and the deep lessons we can learn from God's Word through Hosea.If you would like to catch up or have anything you'd like us to pray for, let us know!
See you all on Friday!
YF Bible study this Friday (7th) Minor Prophets
Thanks for the discussion on Friday about what it means to be in relationship with God, are we walking in relationship with the God of this universe? Jesus came to demonstrate compassion, truth, love and forgiveness (the purest definition of those words as God demonstrates the perfect example of each attribute). God's law is written on our hearts, everyone's heart... are you walking in accordance to His desires or choosing your own way? I pray that each of us would be walking in harmony to Christ's life and His plan. Thanks for praying/preparing for coffeehouse as well. Pray for your friends together as well.
This Friday (7th), we will be beginning a new Bible study series on the minor prophets! I'm especially excited about this series. Not many Christians deeply explore the minor prophets but there is so much in these stories that can help us see God in all the details of life. Jesus brings meaning and understanding to the minor prophets and each book reminds us of the passion that God has for His people. Each week, we'll be covering a minor prophet and getting a good overview of each book and you should leave with a deeper understanding of the prophets and God's Word as a whole, deeper in love with who He is. Please bring your Bibles and four color pens and join us in the youth room this Friday to delve in together.
Looks like we will be free to use room 203 through the summer!! If you have ideas for the large room and how you would like to design it, let me know or Jon Lam (Hong Kong Jon Lam) who will help design a blueprint for it! Couches, colors, stage, rugs, lighting etc. Let us know, we'd love to have it somewhat designed by Youth Alpha time in September :) Pray for the Ouje team which has been finalized! We will be preparing devotions, games, crafts, prizes, worship, messages etc. for the mission trip from June 27th - July 3rd.
If you would like to meet up or have any prayer requests, please let us know!
See you all on Friday!