Tuesday, January 25, 2011

YF BASIC:Fear God this Friday (28th) (Montreal forms)

I hope everyone enjoyed the exercise and gym time on Friday, it's a good time to take a break from exam studying and build relationships with PE and h2o! We are praying for you as we know that most of your exams will be wrapping up this week. Shelly's been finishing up a lot of those bookmarks next to me and the English is done and Salina has made a Chinese bookmark that a couple of the adult leaders will help glue as well... thanks for working on those as well. There will also be an insert in the bulletin for the youth room in the bulletin this week. I still have 3 more copies of "Experiencing God" for you to do as a devotional course while we are journeying through them for Sunday school. Please claim them when you want. Maria has shared that she is having a hard time limiting herself to one lesson a day at a time. :)

This Friday (28th), we will be having a discussion on the Fear of God. It is clear in the Bible that the Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Is it possible we have dangerously misunderstood? This discussion will begin with Francis Chan's BASIC: Fear God as a partnership with Flannel (group which produces Nooma). Here is a link to the official trailer. Please bring your Bibles and a willing heart and mind to interact. If the Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom than it is of the utmost importance that we are desperate to understand what that means. Francis Chan is the author of 'Crazy Love' and 'Forgotten God', books that have profoundly impacted my relationship with the Lord, many of you have received them as baptism gifts etc.

This Sunday (30th), We will continue in our "Experiencing God" workbooks (complete up to pg. 37 this week). For those who have the workbook, please diligently work through these exercises each day. As mentioned before auntie Salina, uncle Youlian and our very own Brad shared about how the Lord used this curriculum to completely change their lives as they listen to the Spirit.

I've confirmed with the C&Y core group and our Day trip to Montreal (Feb 26th) is approved for those who desire to go! There will be skidoos, skating.... and winter goodness as well as meals, transportation etc. I`ve attached the Waiver form to your e-mail and promo (produced by Brad and Rae-Anne!) so please get those back to us ASAP as we need to arrange for rides. This is a perfect event to invite your friends to YF as well!

Also, please remember that I would love to come and share at your Christian groups in your schools, please let me know your schedules and if you`d like to come and share. As always, I would love to catch up and pray for you if you are free (the leaders would love to meet&pray with you too).

Getaway: Know my Voice. Ten Four (March 18-20). OCBC is hosting Saturate again on the 29th of this month (Saturday evening) and I've been invited to share, you are more than welcome to join.
For those who are prayerfully considering missions in Ouje, our dates would be June 26th - July 2nd. There is potential that the trip could be longer than previous years, but that is the Teen Camp date. Pastor Enoch and I hope this doesn't overlap with exam dates as it has in previous years.

See you all on Friday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

YF Gym night this Friday (21st) at St. Patrick's High School

[Thursday edit: Please bring sports equipment (if you have a basketball etc.) in case it is not all provided like last time. also, had a meeting with the other youth pastors and discerned the following theme for Getaway based on your input: "Ten Four: Know My Voice" Based on John 10:4 which encapsulates what our top three themes were (but in reverse order). Knowing God then the relationship leads to knowing His Will then dynamically shaping the people (taking over) and world around us. But it all starts from knowing His voice.]

Thanks for your full participation in last Friday's Red Letter study of the sermon on the mount and our Sunday school on "Christ as our Model" as part of 'Experiencing God'. I pray that the Spirit would cultivate within you a deeper desire for the Lord and His pleasing and perfect Will. Thanks for those involved in Getaway leadership as well, various committees are already collaborating in preparation for the retreat.

This Friday (21st), we will be joining Pure Energy, h2o and brothers and sisters at St. Patrick's for gym night! This is a fantastic gym facility with nets for everything (even hockey!) so bring your friends. We’ll meet at St. Patrick’s High School (Google directions provided: 2525 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, K1V 7T3). Please arrive at 7pm (or earlier if you need to change) and we have the gym booked until 10pm. Please bring appropriate clothing and footwear (no boots). The consent form is attached. If you need a ride to and from church let me know ASAP otherwise meet at the gym.

This Sunday (23rd), I'll have the copies of "Experiencing God" workbooks available for you for this term of Sunday School. Please diligently work through these exercises each day. I've heard from a couple of brothers/sisters about how the Lord used this curriculum to completely change their lives as they listen to the Spirit.

For those who are prayerfully considering missions in Ouje, our dates would be June 26th - July 2nd. There is potential that the trip could be longer than previous years, but that is the Teen Camp date. Pastor Enoch and I hope this doesn't overlap with exam dates as it has in previous years. Also, remember that I'd love to speak at your Faith groups in your schools, share my testimony or brief devotion. For those that are interested, OCBC is hosting Saturate again on the 29th of this month (Saturday evening) and I've been invited to share, you are more than welcome to join for an evening of worship and testimony.

See you all on Friday at St. Patrick's! Invite your friends, admission is free!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

YF Bible study: Red Letters (14th) this Friday (GETAWAY meeting on Sunday 16th)

Thanks for all the input during devotion, sharing of spiritual gifts, vision and ideas during the Leadership Retreat this weekend! It helps to hear from you in regards to everything that is being planned for the year, thanks also to auntie Ivy and Leon for opening their home for YF for the games night, all the food, hospitality and the overnight stay!

This Friday (14th) we will be continuing our series on the Red Letters (Jesus' teachings) that started before the Christmas break. We studied the Beatitudes from the sermon on the mount last time and will study from where we left off last time. We had a really good discussion the last time during the Beatitudes and discovered the depth of Jesus' teachings. Bring your Bibles and please bring an open heart as we invite the Spirit to teach us what the implications of these words have in our lives.

This Sunday (12:30pm at OCAC, 16th) will be our Getaway meeting, prayerfully commit to coming and serving in Getaway (LUNCH is provided, translation: Free food for you 12:30), this meeting was originally scheduled before Christmas but had to be postponed because of the weather/driving concerns.

Next Friday (21st) will be a joint family Gym night with Pure Energy, YF, H2o, well everyone! It will be at St. Patrick's High School (2525 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, ON K1V 7T3) from 7:00 to 10:00 pm.

"Try to make your prayers this week be of praise and adoration. Don't let yourself begin from your needs of from within the context of your life. Instead begin your prayer against the backdrop of the greatness and majesty of God: Our Father... hallowed be Your Name..."

Let us know how we can pray for you or if you would like to meet up!
See you all on Friday!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

YF Games this Friday and Leadership Retreat (7th and 8th) at the Cheng's

I'm sure you are all excited to be back into the routine of school (at least some of you may genuinely be excited, haha IB a nerd today, IB your boss tomorrow *crickets*). I pray that this holiday was a time of rest and family for you this year. In my devotion this morning I read a line that stopped me in my tracks - "There is much to be said in the Christian life; but it is God who is to do the speaking. Pray for silence both in mind and spirit so that you may hear His voice. If He spoke to you in a whisper, would you be quiet enough to hear Him?" In our age of where there is always background noise and our ipod is the soundtrack of our lives, I pray that we can all learn to listen for His voice through a tech detox or rehab.

This weekend is leadership retreat! This Friday (7th) will be a normal YF gathering where we can play games, catch up and fellowship with each other. Please bring your board games, snacks, wiimotes and games. Those who are staying for leadership retreat stay until 4pm on Saturday. Please bring Bibles, writing utensils, paper, toiletries, towel, warm sleeping bags and games. For Leadership retreat, please let me know you are coming ASAP as auntie Ivy and uncle Leon have graciously offered to prepare snacks and meals for us! If you let me know you are coming, bring your form on Friday. Please commit to serving in leadership, everyone is capable of serving in different ways - perhaps you have never served as a leader but you have a gift that is not being shared in the body, please prayerfully join us. Pray in advance this week and brainstorm some ideas you have for YF, us adults need your input because we trust in your knowledge and wisdom about high school students (you are all in high school and know students best). As leaders and prospective leaders of the YF, we will discuss our ideas (come having thought of some), vision, look into Scripture and discover the roles you can play while working together to plan student run teams and events.
The address and forms are attached in your e-mail.

My prayer for 2011 is the same as 2010, that this year will be marked by the Lord working in our families, our fellowship, our church and our city. We can't do that without each of you praying and discovering how you can be a part of the Lord's plan.

See you all on Friday!