YF Bible study (Red Letters in Matthew 13) this Friday (29th)
A huge special thanks to Emery and uncle Trent for the unique privilege of hearing from this brother's suffering through the Rwandan Genocide. He shared important lessons about making God honoring choices in life, forgiving those who have wronged you and being thankful in your circumstance rather than complaining. On Sunday, we got to hear from 4 peers in our YF share about what the Lord did and taught them throughout the Ouje journey of prayer, preparation and ministry. We were also blessed to hear from uncle John and Jesse all the way from Newmarket. There will also be plenty more sharings from youth/adults to read in the next CCCO-K book. I was definitely ministered to this weekend!
This Friday (29th), we will be reading from Jesus' parables of the hidden treasure and the fine pearls in Matthew 13. What does He mean when he talks about the treasure and pearl? What is He bringing attention to and what does it mean for our lives? There is a lot of wisdom and truth that the Lord is communicating in these short parables and we'll have some time to read, scratch our heads, discuss, interact, be challenged and pray. Please bring your Bibles/pens to room 202 as we get together this Friday and hopefully it'll be nice enough for us to have YF outside! ;)
Something I read this morning that needs some reflection on our part - Jesus talks about two sources of error: "Jesus answered them, "You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God." - Matthew 22:29 English Standard Version
Last chance for summer baptism, please let me know yesterday (yes, yesterday) if it's your desire to be baptized! Baptism is an act of obedience which symbolizes being baptized into His death and buried in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead, we too may live a new life. (Romans 6:3-5).
Let me know if you wanted to set up a time to update on your joy/pain, ask an impossible question, pray about stuff etc.
See you all on Friday at church!
Lots of stuff coming up, don't forget to keep these dates open!!!
Remember to book your calendars for August 15th - 19th Discipleship Week 9:30am - 12 noon each day. We will have a comprehensive look through Scripture as we seek God's wisdom on what it means to be a godly man and a godly woman. "Manhood and Womanhood as defined in the Bible" This week will not only help you grow as a godly man or woman but also allow you to articulate what it is to look for in a potential spouse as well. As we do each year, we will have a few community service opportunities lined up (we have a couple at the Ottawa Mission already).
August 17th and 25th we will be helping out at the Mission... the 25th is NOT during Discipleship week, but will be the week after it. We will also be helping out at Jericho Road (date to be confirmed soon!)
Also book September 16-18th as our YF Fall Retreat!!! This is a great kickoff retreat to build relationships within the group as a new generation of YF enters. I'm happy to say that Camp Galilee was gracious to us and we are set to head back to Renfrew for our Fall Retreat :)
YF Testimony from Rwandan Genocide this Friday at church (22nd)
Had a great time at the Ma's for the waterfight last Friday!! It was definitely the largest scale water fight I've ever been a part of. The idea of sharing (sharing!) resources definitely went out the window as the guys and girls each purchased their soakers and balloons to hoard! :) Thanks to the Ma family for opening up their home for the mess we made, the girl leaders for some great games and everyone who brought food for the whole group! Jeremy has a lot of photos up of the event and it was a good time of eating, soaking and hanging out!
This Friday (22nd) we will have the unique opportunity to hear a testimony from our brother Emery at the church. He is a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide (for more information on that, here is a link to the Wiki entry). Luke's Dad actually shared about this brother with me and we both felt that his testimony would be beneficial and inspiring for the YF to hear.
So it's our blessing to welcome him to YF this Friday and hear how God has worked in his life and how the Lord had His hand on him throughout this painful chapter of history. Please bring your Bibles and pens. This Sunday (24th) will be our YF Ouje sharing service, I've had the privilege of reading the 8 sharing submissions so far, it's been incredible how much God teaches each person and how everyone took away a different lesson by the same Spirit. Our team will be leading the worship and sharing throughout the service. Uncle John is even travelling up from Newmarket to hear from our youth and to share briefly as well. Please pray for the service and that the congregation would be encouraged by God's work in Ouje and inspired to continue supporting and going on missions.
Remember to let us know how we can be praying for you and drop me a line if you are dropping by to catch up/pray.
See you all on Friday!
Ongoing/Remember these dates!!!
Summer baptism is coming up incredibly quick. If you have been prayerfully considering baptism, please let me know RIGHT NOW! Baptism is an act of obedience which symbolizes being baptized into His death and buried in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead, we too may live a new life. (Romans 6:3-5).
Remember to book your calendars for
August 15th - 19th Discipleship Week 9:30am - 12 noon each day. We will have a comprehensive look through Scripture as we seek God's wisdom on what it means to be a godly man and a godly woman. "Manhood and Womanhood as defined in the Bible" This week will not only help you grow as a godly man or woman but also allow you to articulate what it is to look for in a potential spouse as well. As we do each year, we will have a few community service opportunities lined up (we have a couple at the Ottawa Mission already).
August 17th and 25th we will be helping out at the Mission... the 25th is NOT during Discipleship week, but will be the week after it.
Also book
September 16-18th as our YF Fall Retreat!!! This is a great kickoff retreat to build relationships within the group as a new generation of YF enters. I'm happy to say that Camp Galilee was gracious to us and we are set to head back to Renfrew for our Fall Retreat :)
YF Waterfight Extravaganza this Friday (15th) at the Ma's at 4:30pm-9pm
Last Friday, we read, studied and discussed John 14:15-31. Over the last couple of years, it's been amazing to see you living with a greater awareness (and hopefully dependence) on the Spirit. We have a wonderful Counselor, Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Guide and Friend. The Spirit teaches us and guides us into a deeper relationship with God as well as reminds us all that He has taught. Where has God been working around you? How can you contribute to what He is already doing? Pray about an opportunity that's been on your heart and mind
This Friday (15th), we'll be having a Waterfight Extravaganza event at Hillary and Alyssia's place (address in your e-mail). Invite your friends! The girls have some amazing games planned which will culminate in a huge waterfight. We will begin YF at 4:30pm so it'll give us a lot of heat. Forecast is optimistic for Friday (sunny!) We'll also be having a Bring Your Own Dinner (or money to chip in on something)... so we can enjoy the day together. Following supper, we'll have an informal time of games and hanging out!
Time: 4:30pm - 9pm
Address: Directions in your e-mail
Stuff to bring: Friends, Water guns, bathing suits, colored shirts to wear over bathing suits, balloons (we'll have some but the more baloons, the more chaos), towels, clean change of clothes, Dinner, or stuff to cook etc. board games to play afterwards etc.
If I'm missing anything, maybe Hillary can fill in any special requests from the host :)
Also, since your schedules are more flex in the summer, it's been nice to have people dropping by for a quick talk. I just had a visit this afternoon too! If you'd like to drop by for a chat, just drop me a quick e-mail and we'll set up a time to catch up and pray.
Ongoing / Looking forward:Summer Baptism! If you have been praying about baptism, please let me know as soon as possible! (as in yesterday...) Baptism is an act of obedience which symbolizes being baptized into His death and buried in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead, we too may live a new life. (Romans 6:3-5).
Remember to book your calendars for
August 15th - 19th Discipleship Week 9:30am - 12 noon each day. We will have a comprehensive look through Scripture as we seek God's wisdom on what it means to be a godly man and a godly woman. "Manhood and Womanhood as defined in the Bible" This week will not only help you grow as a godly man or woman but also allow you to articulate what it is to look for in a potential spouse as well. As we do each year, we will have a few community service opportunities lined up (we have a couple at the Ottawa Mission already).
Also book
September 16-18th as our YF Fall Retreat!!! This is a great kickoff retreat to build relationships within the group as a new generation of YF enters. I'm happy to say that Camp Galilee was gracious to us and we are set to head back to Renfrew for our Fall Retreat :)
See you all on Friday!
YF Bible Study (Red Letters in John 14) this Friday (8th)
Praise God for an amazing week of ministry in Ouje, regardless of whether you were on the team, praying/fasting for us, helping with designing the cookbook, supporting us in any way, you were a part of this mission trip. I pray that we would all develop a heart that resembles Paul. This passage came to mind and I shared with the team: "I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." - Acts 20:24. In the coming weeks, we will have sharing in the various congregations about how the Spirit worked in Ouje this year. Also thanks for the honest, heartfelt sharing after the Furious Love documentary, God has been using that film to bless, teach and transform many young people in our church.
This Friday (8th), we will look into Jesus' teaching on the Holy Spirit in John chapter 14:15 and onwards. How does the Holy Spirit direct and fuel service? How can we rely on the Spirit to do God's work though our broken selves? If you are anything like me you know that we are no better than the people around us, the apostle Paul even considered himself the worst of all sinners but that's how God can display His glory. He demonstrates unlimited patience (1 Tim 1:15-17) and begins to transform us and accomplish His purposes through us regardless of our brokenness. We'll be differentiating between what we think of as counselor and what the Holy Spirit's role is as Counselor. We'll also have a short time of sharing and reflection based on response to this passage. I can already see the fruit of the Spirit in your lives and this will continue to increase as we understand the Holy Spirit's role and how He desires to lead us. Please bring your Bibles, 4 color pens and a willingness to learn the very words of God Himself.
There is a baptism opportunity in the lake that is quickly approaching. If you have confessed that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, I would encourage you to seriously pray about baptism. Baptism is an act of obedience which symbolizes being baptized into His death and buried in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead, we too may live a new life. (Romans 6:3-5). Please let me know as soon as possible.
Remember to book your calendars for August 15th - 19th Discipleship Week 9:30am - 12 noon each day. We will have a comprehensive look through Scripture as we seek God's wisdom on what it means to be a godly man and a godly woman. "Manhood and Womanhood as defined in the Bible" This week will not only help you grow as a godly man or woman but also allow you to articulate what it is to look for in a potential spouse as well. As we do each year, we will have a few community service opportunities lined up (we have a couple at the Ottawa Mission already).
Also book September 16-18th as our YF Fall Retreat!!! This is a great kickoff retreat to build relationships within the group as a new generation of YF enters. I'm happy to say that Camp Galilee was gracious to us and we are set to head back to Renfrew for our Fall Retreat :)
Let us know how we can be praying for you and if you want to meet up to talk about anything!
See you all on Friday,