YF 'Food Olympics' this Friday (3rd) VBS request, DWeek and more
Many in the congregation continue to share that they were encouraged by what the Lord is doing in Ouje and in the lives of YF following the past sharing services in English and Chinese. Thanks for all those who shared and for all of you continuing to be examples through your life (whether at home, church, school or work). Praise the Lord for summer! It was a beautiful day out last Friday and we were able to spend hours together at Mooney's eating, playing volleyball, sandman and manhunt... that was a lot of running :) Thanks to everyone who brought food, chips, drinks, watermelon etc.
This Friday (3rd), back by special request; we'll be having a "Food Olympics" event here7:30PM at church! (Formerly known as 'Food Fight' but that title was misunderstood). The last time we had this event was 2 years ago and it was a blast! You may want to eat a lighter supper (just ensure that the cook understands so no offense is taken). There will be team competitions, several games and of course food. Invite your friends from coffeehouse and we'll see you all on Friday night!
This Sunday (5th), please pray for me as I will be preaching in the English service.
VBS is coming up (20th-24th), thanks to all of you who volunteered, we are currently looking for rides for some of the children, if you have a sibling attending VBS with space in your car, please let us know!
Discipleship Week 'Weird" is coming up August 13-17th! We'll have times of teaching, discussion and practical service opportunities in our community. Many of these practical things have led to volunteering on a regular basis for some of you. Some have developed deep burdens and it has helped play a role in life choices. Pray that God would continue to shape all of us and make us more like Him!
Fall Retreat is booked for September 21-23rd, pray for our retreat and Rock the River (Sept 29-30) the following week and bring your coffeehouse friends!
Coming up: Waterfight, Discipleship Week, Fall Retreat, Rock the River and more!
See you all on Friday!
YF at Mooney's Bay this Friday (27th)
Thanks for a great weekend with games on Friday and the mission sharing service on Sunday. Many in the congregation have shared that they were encouraged by the depth of maturity and reflection of your sharing. They could see how you could empathize with the hardships of others, were appreciative of the body of Christ and most importantly are passionate about the Great Commission! YF as a whole continues to encourage/surprise me and I firmly believe you have helped live out 1 Timothy 4:12.
YF will begin a bit earlier this Friday (27th) at Mooney's Bay (Hogsback and Riverside) at the gazebo which is near basketball nets and washrooms. To take full advantage of the summer, we would like to meet there as early as 4:15pm until 8:15pm (feel free to arrive when you are able). Bring frisbees, volleyballs, baseball gloves, footballs, sunscreen, snacks, guitars (whatever you want to bring) etc. Since the time overlaps with dinner, feel free to eat prior to arriving or bring your own food!
Next on the plate:
Food Fight, Waterfight, Discipleship Week, Fall Retreat, Rock the River and more!
Discipleship Week 'Weird" is coming up August 13-17th! We'll have times of teaching, discussion and practical service opportunities in our community. Many of these practical things have led to volunteering on a regular basis for some of you. Some have developed deep burdens and it has helped play a role in life choices. Pray that God would continue to shape all of us and make us more like Him!
VBS is the following week (20th-24th), Jen and I just had a meeting with many of you who are volunteering (thanks!) Yes, you can get hours, let her know if you'd like to help! :)
Pray for the Fall Retreat (Sept 21-23) and Rock the River (Sept 29-30) this September and bring your coffeehouse friends!
See you at Mooney`s on Friday!
YF Games night this Friday (20th) and Ouje service Sunday (22nd)
Hope everyone had a great time at Aaron's place last week, that new memories and deeper friendships came out of the experience. We had an amazing weekend celebrating with our friends Sam & Van (many from CCCO were there) in Toronto, also got to catch up with longtime friends and make new ones!
This Friday (20th) will be games night 7:30pm at the church (Rm202), our summer events are designed (and requested) so that friends from coffeehouse can come to all the events! So bring friends, snacks and games. There will be the three F's, Friends, Food and Fellowship (or the YF family ;) Also pray for our Ouje sharing service on Sunday, pray that the testimonies honor God and help give more insight to the congregation of how important this mission is!
This Sunday (22nd) will be our Ouje sharing service, there will be video, slideshows, sharing and worship all led by the Ouje sharing team. May this service be an encouragement for everyone who prayed, fasted and financially supported this trip! May the Lord be glorified through the whole process of the trip!
Coming up:
Beach, waterfight, food fight and more!
Discipleship Week 'Weird" is coming up August 13-17th! We'll have times of teaching, discussion and practical service opportunities in our community. Many of these practical things have led to volunteering on a regular basis for some of you. Some have developed deep burdens and it has helped play a role in life choices. Pray that
God would continue to shape all of us and make us more like Him!
VBS is the following week (20th-24th), Jen and I just had a meeting with many of you who are volunteering (thanks!) Yes, you can get hours, let her know if you'd like to help! :)
Pray for Rock the River this September and bring your coffeehouse friends!
It's great to see so many of you hanging out with each other regularly in the summer, let us know how we can be praying for you and if you'd like to catch up next week. This week is booked up :)
See you all on Friday!
YF Bigger or Better this Saturday 1-4pm (7th)
Just got back from Banff (literally) for a beautiful wedding and an amazing week in ministry in Ouje prior to that! It's been a roller coaster 11 days, but praise the Lord for all the blessings that come with it! Hope everyone is enjoying summer so far!
This Saturday (7th) from 1-4pm will be our Bigger and Better event with OCAC! Please meet at CCCO on Saturday at 1pm and get ready for Bigger and Better! Bring your friends from coffeehouse, this is another great opportunity to invite them to play with us! We've even won a working playstation 3 from this event! The rules are simple:
Bigger or Better RULES
EACH TEAM will be designated an area and given a corresponding paper clip to visit homes and trade a paperclip up to the biggest or best item to win! Bring camera's because it'll be fun to see what each group ends up with. some basic rules so we don't have to explain each one on friday:
A member of each team must bring home the item at the end (so you may want to focusing on trading for better rather than bigger ;)
1. Time limit: each group has to be back at the youth room by 3:15pm at the latest
2. Make at least 10 trades ie) paperclip for a eraser, eraser for a CD, CD for a encyclopedia, encyclopedia for a chair, chair for a bigger chair, big chair for a futon, futon for a ... "uh oh, who is going to take this old futon home?"
3. No relatives houses
4. Have to bring the item back to church (if it is something that cannot be thrown out easily, then one person in your group must take it)
5. Don't pressure homes to give you anything, be kind to every house!
On Sunday, July 22nd, we'll have a sharing service for all the testimonies and hear of the amazing things the Lord has done and taught us over the trip so please prepare your testimony (we'd like to hear from all involved in any way, ie. those who fasted and prayed etc!).
Sharing service of Ouje (22nd)
Discipleship Week (August 13-17)
Let us know if you would like to set up a time to catch up as well!
See you all this Saturday!