YF 30 Hr. Famine at EACO this Friday (27th) & Sat (28th) FM 4:19 etc.
we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might..." thanks for a fantastic weekend as we spent time in Colossians and Proverbs as well as understanding the spiritual battle that we encounter each day, make every effort to heed Eph 6:10-20.
This weekend is the 30 Hour Famine at EACO (4 Thorncliff Pl) from 7:30pm Friday (27th) to 7pm Sat (28th), we'll be having a lot of fun with icebreakers, worship, prayer, games, movies, service projects and of course a lot of free fellowship time!
I've attached a form that you MUST complete for the famine in order to attend/sleep over. The goals are attached. The fast will begin after lunch on Friday and continue until dinner on Saturday at 6pm, this is just a glimpse to increase our awareness and burden for world hunger. Pray for the vast amount of people who lack resources and proper nutrition and that World Vision would be faithful stewards as they distribute the funds that are raised to those who need it most.
Stuff to bring (PAY ATTENTION)
Signed and completed waiver form (attached)
All used and unused fundraising forms/money
$5 for supper
Bible, clothes for the night and day, board games, cameras, sleeping bag, pillow. hygeine items such as toothbrush, comb, shampoo, deodorant. (instruments and equipment if you are on the worship team)
The details:
7:30pm Friday night at EACO (4 Thorncliff Pl) to 7pm on Saturday night, $5 for supper on Saturday
Instead of everyone playing on their phone/iphone like gaming device, at fellowship we enjoy reverting to archaic forms of recreation like talking to friends.
I have the following 16 youth signed up for FM 4:19 at $10 a piece (It is now $15 to register, let me know as soon as possible). If you have paid you are marked with a (p): Allan, Andrew(p), Maria(p), Marcus(p), Zachary(p), Eric Y, Rachel Y, Priscilla, Eugene, Eugenia, Jade (p), Gloria (p), Hillary, Aaron, Jeffrey(p), Alison(p)
Coffeehouse is coming up on May 26th, just a month away! We encourage the student leadership team to focus on the progress thus far. Start praying about who you can invite to the coffeehouse too!
Let us know how we can be praying for you or if you would like to meet up, and we'll have lots of time to catch up during the famine!
See you all on Friday and Sat!
YF Bible study this Friday (20th) Famine details, FM 4:10 etc.
Thanks for sending in a flood of mission trip applications on the last day, I even received one at 11:59pm on Sunday, no joke. Pray for the C&Y core group through this discerning time as we select the team for this incredibly important Ouje trip! Thanks for participating in our evening with Action Life last Friday, it was definitely a heavy evening and a burden that many of you are passionate about. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost and when we encounter Christ, He changes our lives and our perspective dramatically shifts. May Paul's instructions in Col 4:4-6 give us guidance on how our speech should always be 'full of grace and seasoned with salt...'
This Friday (20th), we will continue our study of the book of Colossians. We'll be continuing from where we left off in our last study at the end of 1:8. Bring your Bibles. We'd like to resume testimony sharing before Bible studies or YF, similar to things God has been teaching you (what you shared at Getaway, faithbook etc.). Let me know if you'd like to share in the coming weeks.
This Sunday (22nd), we'll pick up our study of Proverbs in chapter 23.
30 Hour Famine is next week (April 27th-28th at EACO), forms were handed out before Getaway to many of you, there is still time to get a good start on it as most do in the final weeks. DO NOT LOSE THE FORMS (they are marked legal fundraising documents so be sure to treat them with care). If you do not have forms, I'll give them to you this Friday. In your e-mail you'll see the official 30 Hr Famine release form and pictures of rewards for milestones in fundraising for the event.
I have the following 16 youth signed up for FM 4:19 at $10 a piece (It is now $15 to register, let me know as soon as possible). If you have paid you are marked with a (p): Allan, Andrew(p), Maria(p), Marcus(p), Zachary(p), Eric Y, Rachel Y, Priscilla, Eugene, Eugenia, Jade, Gloria, Hillary, Aaron, Jeffrey(p), Alison(p)
June 8th is Relay for Life, Eric Ling is organizing a group and members under that one group can begin raising funds, if you are interested in taking part in the fundraising let Jeff, Eugene, or Eugenia know.
Help us set up a time in the coming weeks to meet up, if you don't have the time to meet up - tell us how we can be praying for you/your family.
See you on Friday!
YF/PE Action Life discussion this Friday (13th) Ouje deadline this week
Thanks for an incredible Easter weekend, we were able to reflect on and proclaim the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
In His great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead 1 Pet 1:3. 33 youth from our fellowship were able to join over 800 youth citywide at No Other Name, it's always incredible to watch lives encounter Christ, worship together and share in the Lord's supper.
This Friday (13th), we have the opportunity to hear from (and interact with) Devorah, a representative from Action Life Ottawa on issues regarding abortion and euthanasia. This is a polarizing topic in our schools, workplaces and in the community of faith. Many people (including those in our YF/PE) have strong feelings regarding these issues, it was a workshop that was presented at No Other Name and we have the privilege of having the presentation available for our group. Please bring your Bible, a willingness to listen as well as ask any question that you may want on this particular issue.
ACTIONS for YOU: OUJE DEADLINE THIS WEEK! (April 15th, attached in e-mail), submit your application for the YF Ouje-Bougoumou mission trip, this is an awesome opportunity to run a week-long Bible camp for Cree teens, live life together and share the living hope we have in Christ - take time to answer the questions prayerfully and with integrity
I've registered 17 of you at the early bird price ($10) for
FM 4:19 May 4/5th, let me know ASAP if you can make it (it is now $15).
Coffeehouse is slowly creeping up on us (May 26th)
Sunday school (15th), we will have a special guest then YF will discuss coffeehouse and I'll have a lesson for Pure Energy from the gospel.
Get your
30 Hour Famine forms from me (coming up April 27th-28th)!
April 21st, we will have a workshop for any parents in the Mandarin congregation (open to anyone whether their child is an infant up to 18) at Michael and DuoDuo's place.
Remember to keep praying for one another and let us know if you'd like to catch up,
See you all on Friday!
YF No Other Name and CCCO GF Service this Friday (6th)
Thanks for a fun night on Friday and a great time of sharing and prayer on Sunday, it gives me goosebumps when I know that 35+ young people are in the same room sharing and praying with each other! What an amazing picture of our fellowship, may our love for the Lord and each other continue to grow! Remember we talked about Mk 1:35; 9:20-29; 1 Thess 5:17; Col 4:2; Acts 6:4; 1 Thess 3:10; Jas 5:16; 1 Pet 4:7.
We have at least 31 youth and 7 adults attending No Other Name at Beatrice Desloges this Friday (6th) from 12-9:30pm!Time and Place: Meet at Beatrice Desloges between 11:15am to 12 noon: Since I will be running the Good Friday service at CCCO, Jeff Ling will be waiting for you at No Other Name with your wrist bands and programs. I've just been notified that the end time has been changed to 9:30, so ask rides to come for 9:30pm.
Directions: Google Maps places the school in the wrong spot. Beatrice Desloges is located at the corner of Innes Rd & Provence Ave, one block west of Trim. From the 174, you get off at Trim and turn right. Turn right onto Innes and the school will be at the next lights, on the left hand side. The entrance we're using is on the right hand side of the building, close to the large parking lot. (There will be signs!)
This Friday (6th at 10am) we also have our joint Good Friday service, please join us as we worship, reflect and take part of the Lord's supper as a church body in the main sanctuary at 10am.
ACTIONS for YOU: Before April 8th (early bird) register for FM 4:19 online
Before April 15th, submit your application for the YF Ouje-Bougoumou mission trip (attached in e-mail) - take time to answer the questions prayerfully and with integrity
Coffeehouse is slowly creeping up on us (May 26th)
Get your 30 Hour Famine forms from me (coming up April 27th-28th)!
April 21st, we will have a workshop for any parents in the Mandarin congregation (open to anyone whether their child is an infant up to 18) at Michael and DuoDuo's place.
Excited to catch up with some of you this week and let me know if you'd like to set up a time for next week!
See you all on Friday!